I think I like you

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The night started with no particular incidents.

The guests were very happy for the partnership. They were having the time of their lives.

Jeongin had his hands wrapped around Chan's neck, balancing side to side at a slow pace.

He was just staring into those beautiful sincere eyes and smiling like an idiot.

Chan was the same. Incurably in love.

-It's been forever since I last danced, Jeongin said.

-Really? How long?

-800 years. I remember the day I died I danced with Minho hyung, Jeongin chuckled at the memory.

-With Minho? Chan's smiled slowly dropped.

-Yeah. He was so funny. We were just goofing around.

-Why were you dancing with Minho?

-Because you were teaching Seungmin hyung how to dance, Jeongin said oblivious of the jealousy in Chan's eyes.

-Why didn't you grab my hand? Shake me and make me dance with you? Are you seriously saying I wasn't your last dance?

-Channie, calm down! We are dancing right now. I love you, alright?

Chan nodded while pouting.

-I'll go grab something to drink. Be right back! Jeongin said caressing Chan's cheek.

He went to the table with drinks and met with Mrs. Bang.

-Having fun? she asked balancing from one foot to another.

-Are you drunk? Jeongin asked looking at her in disgust.

-You twisted my son's mind! You think you are better than me? I can destroy you!

-You're embarrassing yourself in front of everyone that came to celebrate you, Jeongin said with no mercy in his eyes.

-Can't you dissappear from my sight? Forever!

She took a glass of wine, poured the liquid on the floor and raised it to hit Jeongin.

Fortunately, a hand grabbed her wrist and made her drop the glass.

The sound made everyone turn their attention towards the scene.

-Are you out of your mind? I am not letting you hurt him! Jisung shouted at her.

-Mrs. Bang, I am gonna ask you to leave, Minho said with a stern voice.

The woman left the house under everyone's judging eyes and whispers.

Jeongin hugged tightly Jisung. He felt so safe in his arms. After all, he served him and his family for years.

-Thank you! he whispered in Jisung's ear.

-You're welcome, Jisung smiled. Are you ok? Did she do anything else to you?

-No. I am perfectly fine.

-Innie, did she hurt you? Chan came running and suffocated Jeongin in a hug.

-Are you sure you're ok? Seungmin asked for the tenth time.

-I'm sure, Hyunjin smiled. Can we just enjoy this moment? Please! I promised that I will tell you if something is bothering me. I am just tired. Nothing more. And I want to dance with you more than ever.

-Ok, Seungmin said placing his chin on Hyunjin's shoulder and closing his eyes, feeling the movement of both bodies in sync.

It was all that mattered.

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