The younger brother

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800 years ago

The coronation day, the pov of the younger brother

Seungmin was staring at the crown, all his painful memories flashing before his eyes in the glass.

All the pain, all the insults, all the times he was left out. .

He was so desperate to find his place while everyone hit him and cursed him.

He took the crown off the pillow and placed it on his head before making sure no one was in the room.

Just a second. Just to see how he would look as a ruler.

He took a deep breath and admired himself, his eyes filling with tears.

It felt so right. It felt like he was born to wear the crown.

Suddenly the door cracked open. Seungmin panicked and put the crown back to its place.

-I'm sorry for scaring you, Jeongin said.

-What are you doing here? Seungmin whiped his tears.

-The prince sent me after you. Were you crying?

-Just remembering mom for a second.

-Oh... I'm sorry! My parents were both killed by my mother's husband, Jeongin smiled through the pain.


-Yes. She was married, but her husband was in the army. My father caught her eye and after they had me they got caught. I was left with my uncle, hearing the whispers and being spit in the face because my mom cheated on her man. And I am the sin's product. That's what I have been hearing all these years.

-I have been called the devil's child by the church. I believe we both have been wronged by the world, Seungmin patted Jeongin's back.

-Indeed. However, we need to go. We have a coronation to attend.

Seungmin took his place on Jisung’s right and watched the crowd of people filling the room with excitement.

-Did I miss something? Seungmin whispered in Jisung's ear. Why are you so red?

-We'll talk later.

It was the tradition that the crown to be put on the  future King's head by the priest and by the highest rank in the army, which was Changbin.

So with one hand holding tight to the golden crown, Changbin placed it carefully on Jisung's head, then took his sword to pat the king twice on each shoulder while he was kneeling in front of the Knight.

-Do you swear to protect this land until the end of your days? he asked.

-I do, Jisung replied with his eyes glued to the floor.

-Do you swear to take care of your people and lead us to the victory?

-I do.

-Do you swear to do everything it takes for the greater good? the priest asked.

-I do.

-Then God may be with you, Your Highness! We are kneeling down before your great power.

Everyone did as they were told. They kneeled before the new king, who was looking at them with a blank face.

After the ceremony, Seungmin went to look for Jeongin. He needed a friend that night and he thought he could find some peace by talking to the younger.

-I see you're still useless around here. Now that the prince has claimed his throne, why don't you go kill yourself?

Seungmin already knew who was behind him. The last person he wanted to talk to, of course.

-Your service here has ended. If you don't have anything important to say, please leave the palace, he said with the fakest smile anyone could have plastered on his face.

-You can't talk to me like that, child. Show me some respect, you waste of space! I am craving for the day your body rotens in the depths of hell.

-That's no way of talking to a human being. Especially as a priest.

Seungmin turned his head and spotted Hyunjin approaching him.

When he got closer, the taller put his hand on Seungmin's hip as a form of protection.

Seungmin's cheeks got all red from embarrassment.

-You got yourself a hero, I see. It is in your nature to depend on people. That's why perhaps you have been staying glued to the new king for so long.

-That's not right! I love him!

-Love? Isn't it jealousy? Doesn't it eat you alive the thought of everything you could have had? Greedy child... Be grateful you are alive. You weren't supposed to be born! You should have died instead of her!

-Please stop! Seungmin covered once again his ears.

-What's wrong with you? Hyunjin asked the priest with pure hatred in his eyes. You are his father. You shouldn't talk to him like that.

-Father? Is that what he told you? the man laughed isterically. Oh, no, my Duke. The child over there has royal blood running through his veins. My daughter and the previous king gave life to him.

-What? Hyunjin looked at Seungmin in disbelief.

-I should leave now, the man bowed before the Duke, then exited the room.

-Is it true? Hyunjin asked forcing Seungmin to take his hands off his ears.

The younger nodded in shame.

-The King... Jisung's father had an affair with a waitress in a bar. That woman was my mother. She never heard again of him. We were really poor and my mother couldn't stand making me work for extra money. Therefore, she left me at the church to be taken care by my grandfather....The priest. Two weeks later she killed herself by jumping off the bridge. She couldn't afford having a child, but couldn't  are the pain of giving me away. My grandfather started cursing me and even trying to exorcise me at one point. He left me to die in front of the castle. That's when the old king found me. When he explained it to the queen, they started fighting. He pushed her harshly and she hit her head. She died on the spot. It was an accident. The king started hating me and beating me, but at least I had a place to stay. Jisung welcomed me in his room even tho I was the reason his mother died. He said being half brothers or full brothers won't make a difference. He considered me family from the first moment. I became a servant since the king didn't wish to be revealed that he had an affair. We were forbidden to tell anyone. I apologise for the lies I have told you! he bowed, holding his tears.

-That means you are the heir now?

-I am the only relative left alive, yes. But Jisung is older with a few days. He is the true king.

Suddenly a scream broke the silence.

They both recognised the voice as Jisung and rushed to his room where a body was laying on the ground.

Hyunjin covered Seungmin eyes after realising the dead man was the priest.

Changbin burst into the room immediately.

-Oh my Lord! What happened?

-I have no idea, Jisung cried. I found him here when it was too late.

Seungmin stepped closer to the man that raised him and his gaze slipped to the left when Jisung was staring at the body too.

And for a split of second he saw Jisung smirking.

A gulp formed in Seungmin's throat as he watched the smile fading away.

-What did you do? he whispered to his brother.

-What I had to do, Jisung replied without hesitation.

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