I'm here

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-Hyunjin? Hyunjin? Are you in here?

Seungmin opened the door of the guests' room and saw Hyunjin laying on the bed, his eyes closed, his chest going slowly up and down while sweat was dripping on his burning forehead.

He didn't look good at all.

Seungmin placed his hand on Hyunjin's hand and felt the heat.

He tried to shake the boy awake, but Hyunjin didn't even flinch.

-Jeongin! Seungmin got up and started searching for the doctor.

-He has a high fever. Although I've never seen something like this, Jeongin said worriedly.

-Hyunjin has a pretty bad immune system, Minho explained. His parents worked very hard to buy his meds when he was a child. Every cold can take him down.

-Is he gonna be alright? Seungmin asked with big glassy eyes.

-After a good sleep, probably. You just need to be by his side and keep him warm. Trust me... Hyunjin is a fighter. If you need anything, I am right down the hall. You can spend the night with him.

-Thank you, hyung!

-No problem! Jeongin is also here to help. If it gets worse, we call an ambulance. Got it?

Seungmin nodded, squeezing Hyunjin's hand.

Minho sat down on the edge of his bed, holding his head in his hands.


He looked up and saw Jisung in the doorway.

-Hi! Minho smiled back.

-Can I come in?

-Sure, Minho made way for Jisung to sit next to him.

-How is Hyunjin?

-Good. I hope.

Jisung saw how uneasy was Minho, so he took his hand and intertwined their fingers.

-He will be ok. I'm sure of that.

-He better be. I mean...He's an idiot, but he's my best friend. I love him to death.

Jisung chuckled and wrapped his arms around Minho.

-I can stay here if you need company.

-Thank you, Minho mumbled.


They both jumped startled and took distance from each other.

-Mom? I thought you will return tomorrow.

-I wanted to surprise you. Am I interrupting something? she looked at Jisung.

-Mom, it's not-

-Jisung, can I talk to you for a second?

The latter nodded and went on the hall.

-Miss Lee, I-

-No need to explain. I know Minho doesn't like Chan. I'm not blind. But I am his mother and I wanna make sure he is ok. He is now vulnerable and he took down his walls for you. He opened up. If you don't feel the same, please, don't lead him on. But if you do, I am begging you as a mother... Please take care of him!

-I will, Jisung replied instantly. I promise!

Chan closed the door behind him and snuggled in the bed, next to Jeongin.

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