Doomed love

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800 years ago

-Your Highness! Changbin stormed into the throne room fuming.

-That's not a proper way to address your king, Jisung commented.

-My apologies, but you can't forbidden Minho to fight.

-I can. I did.

-Your Highness, Minho is our best tactician. I doubt you fully understand how important he is to the army. To me. I swear on my honor and life that I won't let anything to happen to him. You cannot take my right hand away from the field in the middle of the war.

-I have faith in you and your men. I can join you as well. We don't need-

-Your Highness, we don't have a royal doctor anymore! Changbin cut off Jisung, leaving the latter speechless. We are outnumbered. You brought us to war, then let us fight. Minho belongs in the field no matter how hard are you trying to lock him here. Protect him. Like you did to your brother.

-You have no right to talk to me like that! Jisung stood up angered.

-I have! Because my life is as stake. My family, my home, my friends and parents' lives are in my hands. As long as I spill blood for you, I have all the right to talk! I am the Grand Cross Knight for a reason. I know better than anyone the odds of this war. Against those wolves we have no-

-The wolves won't be a problem.

Changbin looked confused at his king.

-Felix killed them.

-Felix? You're using him?

-He is of use. Other way he will be rooting in the dungeon.

Changbin's expression dropped as he stood before his king who assembled perfectly his dictator father.

-He is human too!

-He is a witch. What do you think people will do to him if I let him free? He is lucky to have me as his owner.

-Owner? Your Highness, I strongly believe you should reconsider your position on that throne. Blood made you a king, but there is always a second on the line to replace you. I think that crown is too heavy for your head. People won't listen to you, but to me. Remember that!

Changbin broke the eye contact and went out of the room, bumping in Hyunjin's shoulder on his way.

Hyunjin went after Jisung and sat down in the stairs, in front of the throne.

Jisung took his place next to him and sighed.

-Am I like my father?

-In which way? Hyunjin asked with no hesitation.

-Am I merciless?

-Jisung, it is about Changbin?

-He asked me to let Minho go to war. I don't want him to die...

-Jisung, being a king is not a privilege, but a responsibility. You were ready to marry prince Chan. Now you have to be ready to go to war and let Minho make his own decisions. I will be there with them if it helps you, he said placing his hand on Jisung's shoulder.

-You're going too? Jisung asked in disbelief.

-Of course! I am a man of this land. I don't wish to die as am immigrant. I belong here and I want to prove it.

Jisung hugged his friend tightly and squeezed his eyes shut to stop any tear from falling.

-We will win, alright? Hyunjin hugged back.

Suddenly Hyunjin started couching violently, alarming Jisung.

-Are you alright?

-Don't worry! It's nothing.

-Hyunjin, this seems serious. You should rest.

-I will. I will be ready for the war.

-What if it gets worst? We don't even know what is it.

-I handle it. Nevertheless, have one request.

-And what is that?

-I'll appreciate it if you don't mention it to Seungmin.


-I will do it. I'm sure is nothing.


-What is the meaning of this? Felix asked Changbin who was unlocking the chains around his neck.

-I'm freeing you.


-The king told me you are of use in the war. I don't want this. You don't deserve such fate. Therefore, I am letting you go.

Felix pushed Changbin further, then made him watch how he destroyed the chains with his magic.

Changbin's mouth slightly opened in amaze.

-You could have done that all this time?

Felix nodded in silence.

-Why did you stay here then?

-I don't have a choice. The other Kingdoms wouldn't have hesitated in killing me. This land is the safest I could ask for. The King may be far from what we all had imagined, but at least I'm not hunted down. I stuck with you because I knew you could keep me safe. This day proved it to me. Now that I killed the wolves, I have nowhere to go. You are going to war too. What is the difference?

Changbin grabbed Felix's face and smashed their lips together for two seconds, then stayed close to his forehead, staring in his shocked eyes.

-This is the difference. You have nothing to lose. I have everything right here.

-No human should love a witch, Felix spoke while tracing with the tip of his index finger Changbin's bottom lip.

-It goes the other way around, Changbin completed. No witch should fall for a human. We can stop now and live on different paths.

-Or we can start something we can't finish, Felix added.

The latter pressed gently his lips on top of Changbin's and closed his eyes, his arms wrapping around the Knight's neck.

He pulled him closer and let himself fall back on the grass, having Changbin on top of him.

The war was coming and they were aware of their cruel faiths. So why would they care about the risk? Life was short anyway.


Jisung opened the door and saw Minho packing his things.

-You're leaving?

-I will be with my mother while our land is being slandered.

-No, you're not. You will be with Changbin and Hyunjin on the field.

Minho turned around and looked at Jisung who was on the verge of crying.

-Do you mean it?

-Yes. It's an order. You are the best tactician. I have to let you go.

Minho hugged Jisung tightly and ran his hand through the younger's hair, kissing his forehead.

-I don't want you to die, Jisung broke down into tears.

-I will gladly die for this land and for its king.

-You are the love of my life, Jisung added, looking in Minho's glassy eyes.

-I will never forget you, Jisung. I will find you in my next life and love you once again. If I don't make it alive in this life, I will be with you in the next one and then the next one and then the next one. I will always come back to you, he stated with a smile.

They shared the most painful kiss. It was poisoning both of them, their chests tightening and the tears burning their faces.

Such a doomed love...

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