Was the kiss necessary?

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Apparently Miss Lee told Minho to spend the day with Chan, which was hell for the younger.

It wasn't because of Chan, but because he hated the idea of being in love. For him, people who fell in love were just fools.

Chan was as well the son of an important influencing family. Therefore, the only things their discussing was focusing on was the theory of investition in banks. That bored Minho to death.

-Chan hyung, do you have a hobby or something? he asked cringing at his politely way of speaking with strangers.

-Well...it is something but...doesn't matter.

-Oh, come on, man! Give me something! You're as blank as a black and white movie.

-I'm sorry you think like that! Just tell me what do you want to change at me and I'll try my best, Chan said smiling.

-It's like your brainwashed. No personality, no feelings. Just that dumb smile.

-I'm just trying to fit in the crowd. That's how we make ourselves loved by the surrounders.


The latter was in Minho's room, measuring the sizes for the curtain he was about to sew when Hyunjin stormed inside.


-Guess what! Minho has a date. It's downstairs. It's hilarious. You need to see.

Jisung burst into laughter, almost tearing up. He rushed along with Hyunjin to the dining room to see Minho and Chan talking. Mostly to see Minho's disgusted face whenever Chan was smiling.

-Oh! Seems like we have visitors, Chan said spotting Hyunjin and Jisung hiding behind the door.

Hyunjin cleared his throat and raised his head with dignity.

-Hello! I'm Minho hyung's best friend. Nice to meet you!

-Nice to meet you too! Chan shook his hand. And he is...he added looking at the scared Jisung.

-My boyfriend! Minho yelled making them all turned at them speechless.

-What? all three asked in sync.

-Yeah. He is my lover. That's why I cannot give you a chance, hyung. I'm sorry, but I had to hide this detail from my mother since my little squirrel here is in a poor material situation, he said putting his hand around Jisung's neck.

The younger was aback while Hyunjin was refraining himself from laughing.

-Is this true? Chan asked looking at Jisung for confirmation.

-You're my servant, you are my fake boyfriend now until you finish the curtain, Minho whispered in Jisung's ear.

-Yes, I am. We are in a secret relationship and I am his cute little squirrel, he said trying his best not to gag. And I'm very possessive, so please, sir... I know I'm poor and weak and I can't compare to you, but I love Minmin with all my heart and I couldn't live with the idea of him being with someone else.

-Minmin? Hyunjin asked muffling his chuckles with his hand.

-Yes, Hyunjin. Minmin hyung is my everything, Jisung said throwing his hands around Minho's neck and placing a short kiss on his cheek.

The older's eyes widen in surprise.

-I understand. Thank you for informing me! Chan bowed before leaving the room.

The moment he closed the door, Hyunjin fell on the floor, holding his stomach which was hurting from so much laughing.

Jisung whiped his lips with his sleeve in disgust and Minho cringed, his body shaking.

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