800 years ago
Chan woke up with a huge migraine.
It was cold in the room.
He opened his eyes and found himself in the dungeon of his castle, chains wrapped around his wrists and ankles.
-You're finally awake, a woman said.
Chan looked to the left and saw his mother with the key to the chains in her hands.
-I apologize for the sudden attack, but I didn't know how to bring you here, she added.
-Let me go, Chan groaned.
-If you promise to behave. After all, you betrayed your people.
-I betrayed you. You killed Jeongin, and Chan's voice broke. Your army killed Minho. This war is nonsense! People here are not happy, sending their beloved ones to war to be killed by the King of Roses. You're just sending people to die in order to turn the two Kingdoms against each other. You want to take over that land without thinking of the consequences! You hurt so many people, including me! So many shed your Kingdom's blood!
-Quiet! I was feeling generous today and I thought you could recognize your mistakes and come back as the heir to the throne, but I guess that stupid boy played with your mind before he died. You're saying that you love him so much? Very well! Then join him! Keep starving here until you join him! From now on you are just a bloody deserter.
-I can't feel him anywhere near, Felix said.He and Changbin were at the border, searching for Chan.
-Do you think he was taken by the army?
-It's certainly a possibility.
Felix stopped walking all of a sudden while his eyes caught a glowing red color.
-Felix? What's wrong? Changbin asked worriedly.
-Something is coming, he whispered. Don't move...
Changbin found himself pushed to the ground by a magic wave.
He was pushed out of the way of a horse.
Felix hit the horseman as well, making him fall off the horse.
Another one was right behind and Felix took care of him in the same way.
However, that kept him busy from noticing a soldier sneaking behind Changbin and placing his sword under his chin.
-Stop the witchcraft or he dies!
Felix looked into Changbin's eyes and sighed, then put his hands behind him to be chained up by another soldier.
There was no point in fighting if he couldn't protect the one he cared deeply about.
-What are we doing with them? a horseman asked.-The Queen specified that the witch shall be burned at the stake. We can let go of the Knight as a warning for the king of Roses.
Changbin widened in eyes in fear.
-Felix! You have a plan, right? Felix!
The latter didn't even glance at Changbin.
It seemed that he gave up so easily, but the truth was that he was tired.
His energy was running out, because his host was already dead.
Felix knew his end was close. He also knew he had to save his magic for one last spell to cast. Their last chance at happiness.
Felix was tied up to a tree trunk, close to the border, so the smoke could be seen from Jisung's Castle.This was the Queen's message to the king of Roses that she couldn't be stopped.
Changbin was pushed to the other side of the border, but instead of running back to his king, he remained to watch.
He was struggling to reach Felix, but a bunch of soldiers was holding him back.
The witch saw the fire spreading towards him and felt the warmth becoming uncomfortable and suffocating.
He started mumbling an incantation as his eyes started glowing again.
Changbin didn't know what he was doing. Until he started glowing himself. He understood then what was Felix doing.
-Felix, stop! No! Felix! You can't waste your magic on us! Felix, please! I love you! Felix!
Chan was in the dungeon, looking out the window when he saw his hands glowing a reddish color.-What is this? Felix? he asked himself confused.
Jisung was on the balcony when he noticed the two graves in the garden catching the same red color.
He stood up in panic, then he noticed his own body glowing.
The latter turned around and noticed the exact same thing at Seungmin.
-What is going on? he asked scarred.
-Felix... God! I told him not to do this! Jisung outbursted throwing his crown on the floor.
Seungmin came closer and pointed to the smoke from the border.
To say Felix was in pain was an understatement. Both mentally and physically.The fire was slowly burning his skin as the smoke was making its way inside his lungs.
His vision was getting weaker and his head was bumping.
His chest was squeezing with every scream from Changbin.
He turned his head to look at him for the last time and a tear escaped, running down his pale cheek.
-I love you!
That's what Felix managed to say before the curse took away his sight and the fire took away his breath.
Under Changbin's glassy eyes, Felix's head fell forward and his body was swallowed by flames, then turned to ashes.
He died in front of the one he loved the most.
Changbin was sent back to Jisung to deliver the news.When he got there he crumbled to his knees and broke into an ugly cry.
-Felix is gone...
-I figured it out, Jisung replied with a dull voice.
He went to Changbin and patted his back.
-I'm done playing. We kill the Queen, no matter what.
Changbin looked up and saw the rage burning in Jisung's eyes.
-I'm gonna erase that land off the map! the king stated clenching his fist. Even if it's the last thing I do.
Now, to be clear... Felix didn't finish the spell that day. That's why he reincarnated 150 years earlier and spent his time on Earth searching for his friends while being blind.
He used his magic to remain young, but there was no spell to take away the pain. He was missing them all._____________________________________
The war arc is gonna get worse, so prepare yourselfThank you for reading!

Kingdom of Roses | Stray Kids Royal AU
FanfictionWhat a cruel fate was destined for the heir of the Kingdom of Roses, Han Jisung, and his future lover, the Knight Lee Minho. Their story remained unfinished, so their souls embodied once again, hundreds years later, to find each other and to live th...