The letter

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800 years ago...

-I'm telling you, Hyunjin! He is the one! He is so handsome and beautiful. You should have seen him when the sunlight bathed his face. That was a picture coming alive right in front of my eyes. He is perfect, said Jisung flopping in his bed dreamy.

-Jisung, not that I'm not happy for you, but... Are you sure you want this? Hyunjin asked sceptic.

-Yes! I want him to be by my side.

-As your best friend, I am happy over the moon for you, but as a Duke, I must warn you. He is in the army. This won't end well.

-What do you mean? Jisung asked clueless.

Hyunjin sighed, then took a seat on the bed next to the Prince.

-Jisung, your Highness, we're in the middle of a war. He is a Knight. He swore to protect this kingdom with the price of his life. To protect you, Hyunjin emphased the last word while lifting Jisung's chin with his fingers. I don't want you to become a widow. But his fate has been already written. He is meant to die on the battlefield.

Jisung's eyes became glassy in a second.

-Don't look at me like that. You know I'm right. Don't fell in love with someone you know you will loose. I'm sure the king has already a plan for you. Maybe another royalty desperate to marry the beautiful Prince that sits right in front of me. Now, head up! Remember your rank. I need to go, ok?

Jisung hugged his knees and started pouting in his bed.


The latter looked at Hyunjin with sad eyes.

-I love you. I only want the best for you. Your heart won't handle his death. You and I both know that.

When Hyunjin opened the door to exit, he bumped into a boy with a pile of files in his hand. The boy bowed frightened, but Hyunjin didn't even look at him.

The boy sighed while watching the Hyunjin leaving.


-I'm sorry, Your Highness! I was spacing out, the boy apologised.


-Yes, your Highness?

-Do you perhaps like Hyunjin?

Seungmin's face got all red. He waited some seconds before answering.

-Of course not. How could I? He is a Duke and I am just the royal messenger.

-That's not what I asked. Do you like him?

-No, your Highness. I don't.

-That's a shame. I think you two would make a cute couple, Jisung smirked.

Seungmin got flustered by the comment and hid his face behind the files.

-I just wish he would notice my existence. Like I notice him everyday, he mumbled looking at the floor.

-I'm sure he'll do one day. He is not the kind to show his emotions. If you really like him, you should fight for him. And that's what I'll do myself as well.

-Do you like Hyunjin as well, your Highness? Seungmin asked confused.

Jisung chuckled before getting out of the bed and sitting on his desk.

-No. I like someone else. And you will help me with this.


-Yes. I'll write a letter and you'll deliver to the army station today.

-Are you giving them an order to attack?

-No, Seungmin. I want you to take this letter to one of the soldiers. Understood?

-Yes. May I ask what's in the letter?

-An invitation.


-Yes. I want to call him here. At the castle.

Seungmin nodded, bowed and left the room in a hurry in order to reach the army station until the dusk.

When he arrived there, he jumped off of his horse and searched for the man that matched the prince's description.

-Seungmin! What are you doing here? Something happened? Grand Cross Changbin asked worried.

-The Prince sent me here to deliver a letter to your 1st Class Commander.


-Yes. Indeed. That's the name.

-Did he do something bad?

-I haven't been told anything.

-Very well. Minho! Changbin yelled after his soldier.

The knight came genuinely confused.

-This is for you, Seungmin landed him the letter, then bowed.

Minho found himself with a letter with the rose heraldry on it. He looked at it, afraid to open it.

-What did you do, Minho?

-I was disrespectful with the prince. But I didn't know it was him. I was just exhausted after the night patrol.

-It was nice having you here, Minho, Changbin said while patting his friend on the back.

Minho finally decided to open the letter. As he was reading the message, he laid down feeling his legs soften.

-What happened? Is he gonna chop your head off? Changbin asked thinking of the worst.

-He invited me to the castle, Minho replied aback.


-He invited me there because he has interest in me. The Prince has interest in me.

-So no decapitation?

Minho shook his head, blinking aggressively.

-If you become queen, Minho, don't forget to give me a new horse.

-Hold on! I can't marry him. I can't fall in love with someone I just met.

-This is not relevant. He is the future king.

-And that's the reason why he deserves the truth. I will tell him I have no feelings towards him even if this means he will cut my head off.

-So no horse? Changbin asked sad.

-No horse.

As tulips are a classic flower that has been loved by many for centuries they have been attached with the meaning of love.

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