I'm here to help

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Monday morning Minho woke up early without an actual reason.

He didn't know what was he expecting, but he stayed next to the window and stared at the gate for a while.

Then he saw him. Jisung dragging his suitcase to the front door.

His eyes lit up as he rushed down to open the door. He slammed it open to Jisung's surprise who didn't even get to knock.

-Hi! Jisung spoke a little confused.

-You're back.

-I am. I told you I will keep my promise. Give me two minutes to unpack and I will start being your servant, ok?


After Jisung went upstairs, Minho found himself leaning with his forehead on the door, smiling unconsciously.

When he finally realized what was he doing, his smile dropped in confusion.

Why was he smiling? Was he really happy that Jisung came back?

He headed to Jisung's room where the latter was unpacking his things.

-Can I come in?

-Sure, Jisung replied not raising his gaze to Minho.

-How is your father?

-Better. He has meds to take, but he will be fine.

-If you need to take care of him, you can like...go visit him every weekend or something...

Jisung looked at Minho in disbelief.

-I thought you don't agree with me leaving.

-That was before meeting your father. He seems very nice and I can see he genuinely loves you. I wouldn't want you to lose your father too, Minho uttered while looking at the floor.

-Thank you, hyung! But a promise is a promise. I will stay here and I will go visit him only in emergency cases.

Minho nodded while rubbing his nape awkwardly.

-Then you can start again your work in the garden. I don't need you specifically today.

While planting some roses next to a willow tree in the back of the garden, Jisung felt a hand on his shoulder.

He turned around and met with a blind boy smiling at him.



-Yes. That's me. Do I know you?

-You definitely couldn't. It's good to hear your voice again.

Jisung wasn't sure how to respond to that. He just stood there in silence until the blind boy started talking again.

-My name is Felix. I've been searching for you.

-For me?

-Yes. I had made a mistake and now I have to fix it.

-What does it have to do with me?

-You warned me about it. I didn't listen.

-Felix, where do you live?

Jisung thought the boy was hallucinating or something, so he was ready to offer himself to walk him home.

-I can not really say I have a home. The only one I knew burned to the ground centuries ago.

-So you don't have a place to stay?

Felix shook his head slowly, keeping his smile.

-Jisung? Who are you talking to? Minho's voice startled Felix who hid behind Jisung, gripping his shirt to maintain his balance.

Minho ran towards them and the moment he spotted Felix, he backed off.

-You! The creep from yesterday! I knew I wasn't trippin'. This time I call Changbin and make him kick your ass off of my property.

-Wait! Jisung chimed in, not sure why. He is my friend. Felix. He was looking for me the other day. I forgot to tell him I was at my place. I'm sorry!

-Your friend? Minho furrowed his eyebrows.

Jisung nodded while taking Felix's hand.

-Then what was with the things he said yesterday? About me meeting him before.

-I have another friend named Minho. He probably mixed up the people. You know...due to his situation.

-Sir, everything is alright? Changbin appeared out of nowhere.

-Oh, when I call you you come too late, but when I don't need you you are here, Minho rolled his eyes.

-When you call me, sir, I check the house first. And it's a big house.

-Well, while you check the house, I can be killed and buried in ten garden.

-But while I check the garden, the house can catch on fire, Changbin finished before locking eyes with Jisung and the boy behind him. Who is him?

-My friend. Felix, here is the gatekeeper, Changbin.

Jisung took Felix's hand and help him find Changbin's hand. They shook hands, Felix visibly hesitating.

-Is he ok? He seems scared of me, Changbin said looking at Felix trembling.

-You're a stranger to him. It's normal. He will get used to you.

-So he will come again? Minho asked in a very rude tone.

-Well, I guess... He is my friend and I want him here. He can help with the garden too. And you don't need to pay him. Please!

Minho couldn't resist Jisung's puppy eyes, so he gave up and agreed.

Jisung smiled widely before dragging Felix after him into the house.

They arrived in Jisung's room where Felix sat down on the bed with Jisung's help, of course.

-Why did you lie for me?

-Because I want to help you. You can stay in my room until we find a place for you. Maybe a hospital or an Institute for people...

-Like me? I may be blind, but I can handle it. I've been like that for a long time.

-I'm sorry for being insensible! Jisung bent down his head in shame.

-Look, I'm here to help you all. But for that, I need you to let me help you. I know it sounds like I am crazy, but I swear everything will make sense as the time passes and you grow closer.

-Closer to who?

-To Minho. This is the only way.

-Me and Minho hyung? That's ridiculous. I could never be with someone like him.

-That's what you say now. Just wait for it.

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