Bring it on

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-It's been a fucking week! Why hasn't he woken up yet? What if...What if he is never going to wake up? God, damn it! It's all my fault! Chan kicked a chair out of anger and frustration.

He's been waiting for a call from the hospital to announce him that Jeongin has opened his eyes finally.

He has been visiting daily, standing by his side, praying he will feel his hand squeezing his own.

But it never happened. He haven't sleep well and he was mentally drawn-out.

He sat down on the cold floor, his head falling on the bench Felix was sitting.

Felix came to visit too. All the time. He talked with Chan about Jeongin and tried his best to stay strong. But he was numb and that scared him.

-Can I ask you something? the freckled boy spoke.

-What? Chan replied, his eyes still closed because of the neon lights.

-How long are you planning to wait for him?

Chan turned around to face Felix and stared into those empty white eyes.

-I cannot see your expression, but I can sense you are close to my face, so please stop staring! Felix added smiling politely.

-What is with that question?

-Answer me, please! Felix demanded.

-I will wait for him forever. How long it will take. I will be right here. The first person he sees when he wakes up. Is that enough of an answer for you?

-Yes, Felix smiled genuinely this time. Do you trust me?

-Not really.

-You have to. I can find out what's wrong with Jeongin. Just take me to his room.

Chan reached his hand and leaded Felix to the youngest's room.

For Chan, the image of Jeongin in his hospital bed, more pale than ever, was crushing his soul.

-Close the door!

-What are you gonna do? Chan asked, feeling uneasy.

-Just some magic.

Chan furrowed his eyebrows before he saw a little red spark traveling from Felix's fingertips to Jeongin's hands, then chest.

In a matter of time, Jeongin's body started glowing a dark shade of red.

Chan remained speechless. He blinked repeatedly, trying to understand if it was real or not.

When the spark returned to Felix, it climbed up to his ear, then disappeared.

-He's been drugged.

-What? Chan approached Jeongin's bed.

-The pills he takes. Are not the right ones. His body is constantly fighting, but it became weaker because of the pills. One more and he may...

-What? He may what? Chan started screaming in Felix's face.

-Die. His system will black out forever.

-Who would do that to him?

-I would start with the nurses if I were you. I will stay here to guard him.

-We're not done. What did you do to him...

-It worked, Felix cut Chan off. I tried to explain my presence here a thousand times. People won't believe until they see it.

Chan left the room, in his mind still lingering the scene he just witnessed.

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