The wolves

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800 years ago...

Jeongin was busy with some injured soldiers.

He didn't want to admit it, but the thought of Chan asking Jisung's hand in marriage was affecting more than he left to show.

But let's face it. He couldn't hold Chan forever. Their destinies just didn't intertwine at all.

-Next! he yelled from the top of his lungs.

A soldier took off his shirt, revealing scratched and animal teeth marks.

Jeongin froze at the horrifying image.

-Wolves...he said starting to clean the wounds. How did you end up like this?

-I got too close to the next Kingdom. I didn't realize it since I was in the woods. The Lilac Kingdom has wolves everywhere to keep the enemies away.

-You're lucky. You could have been killed.

After finishing the work, Jeongin packed his things and paced fast to the front door.

He wanted to go home as fast as possible.

He didn't need to see Chan's entry. He was also embarrassed about the way he acted when he found out about the engagement. He just needed some time alone.

However, after some thinking, he decided he could investigate a little the woods. Something didn't add up.

The soldier couldn't possibly pass the border without noticing. That meant the wolves were walking free in their kingdom and attacking innocent people.

-You look good, Your Highness, Seungmin smiled at Chan.

-Thank you, Seungmin! You can call me Chan. Can I ask you something?

-Of course!

-How close are you to the prince?

Seungmin's smile dropped slowly, showing anxiety in his body language.

-I have been a servant here since forever. Prince Jisung and I were raised together in this very palace.

Suddenly the door opened revealing a surprised Hyunjin.

He bowed quickly and excused himself for barging in.

-The prince is ready.

-Thank you! Chan flashed a smile.

-Seungmin, can you come with me for a moment?

The latter widened his eyes. He panicked and dropped from his hands the coat Chan was supposed to wear.

He dusted off repeatedly, apologizing and bowing until Chan told him to stop.

Then he made his way to the door.

-Did you call for me, sir?

-You and I are responsible for prince Chan, so I need you to dress up nicely, alright?

-I understand. I will look for something after I take care of the prince.

Hyunjin sighed before pulling Seungmin after him.

They entered Hyunjin's room and Seungmin's face suddenly caught a visible shade of red.

-This should fit you perfectly, Hyunjin took out some clothes from his own closet.

-Sir, I could never, Seungmin tried to protest, but didn't pursue Hyunjin to let go of his idea.

The younger was breathing heavily, his emotions overcoming him.

He couldn't help it. He was born like that. Overemotional.

Jisung was the opposite, which was the perfect balance.

But when Seungmin was away from the prince, his anxiety was taking over.

-Are you alright? Hyunjin asked snapping Seungmin back to reality.

-Yes, thank you for your concern! he bowed.

-You should straighten your posture. You're part of the palace, after all.

-I am nothing like all of you.

-I think you are important. You do all the things around here and I really appreciate it, Hyunjin said fixing the collar of Seungmin's shirt.

Chan was staring out of the window, having only one person in his mind.

And that person told him he wouldn't come to the ceremony.

He couldn't blame him though. It was no one's fault that he was born royal and Jeongin wasn't. It wasn't anyone's fault for falling for each other.

So why should he be sad about it? Love was a beautiful thing.

However, something didn't sit right with him. He had a bad feeling about it. His guts were telling him to reach Jeongin as fast as he could.

His skin was itching at the thought of it.

Was he paranoid? Was he just missing the younger? Was he right?

Jeongin walked to the border and stopped in front of the forest.

He saw dry blood on the blades of grass.

He was sure the wolves were to blame.

What he didn't understand was what were those wolves doing on the Kingdom's field.

Was he stupid enough to go to the forest on the day his lover was supposed to propose to another man?

Of course not!

Was he bold enough to satisfy his curiosity?

Of course he was!

So he crossed the border. Something no one had the courage to do. The Kingdom of Liliac was a strict one. Very secretful and cold.

Nevertheless, the most feared one was the Kingdom of Roses thanks to the King.

Those two Kingdoms were never on good terms and Jisung's marriage was supposed to fix it.

Jeongin really didn't think it through.

After walking a few meters deep in the forest, he heard some growls.

His body froze in his place.

The wolves were definitely not supposed to be this close to the border.

Next thing he knew Jeongin was running for his life back to his kingdom.

Followed by a pack of wolves, slowly losing hope of getting out of that alive, he put all his stamina and power in his legs.

He had never run that fast in his life.

When he reached the border, he fell to the ground.

He closed his eyes in anticipation, ready to feel his flesh being torn apart off of his bones.

But nothing happened.

He opened one eye to sneak a peek and sighed in relief when he saw Changbin.

-Doctor Jeongin?

-Sir Changbin! It may be actually the first time I am glad to encounter you.

-Can you explain why were you followed by the royal wolves?


-See their collars? They are handmade by the Queen.

-That means the king sent them to attack our people, Jeongin's eyes widen in fear.

-They want war...

-And I just gave them a reason to start it by stepping into their kingdom, Jeongin added frightened.

-We need to make sure the marriage happens no matter what, Changbin looked at Jeongin who was starting to understand the gravity of the situation.

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