The red string of evil

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-I can't believe we're breaking into a museum. This could actually get us arrested! Jeongin started freaking out.

-How? They won't have any proof, Felix said using his magic to shut down the security cameras. I need to get rid of that crown tonight.

Jeongin was walking behind Felix, looking around him like he was expecting something to jump and get him.

-What about the security guards?

-Took care of it, Felix replied calmly. They are taking a nap.

-You surely came prepared. Are you alright? You are tensed.

-I'm running out of time. I need to end this now.

-WE need. You're not alone, Felix. Not anymore, Jeongin back hugged him.

-Thank you, Jeongin... For everything.

Suddenly Jeongin's phone started ringing, making both flinch.

-Put it on mute! Felix whispered.

-It's Chan. What am I supposed to say to him? "Hey, baby! I couldn't be there to have sex with you 'cause I went to break in a museum with my best friend, Felix!?"

-I'm your best friend? Felix asked with a soft smile.

-Yes! But focus! What am I telling him?

-Just tell him the truth. He already knows anyway.

-Not an option! He will come here and the last thing I want is to drag him behind bars with me. Especially after he died in a dungeon.

-Then say I'm sick. You're a doctor, aren't you?

Jeongin sighed and picked it up, leaving Felix to wander through the expositions by himself.

-Hello? Ahm... Felix is sick and I have to take care of him. Yeah. I have to watch over him for tonight. I'm sorry, but I'll come tomorrow. No! Don't come here! I don't want you to get sick! I'll call you later, ok? Bye! Love you!

Back to the Hwang residence

-What are you doing?

Jisung crouched down next to Hyunjin who had his sleeves rolled up.

He was digging up the flowers and taking out the ground with his bare hands.

-Well, since Seungmin will be spending a while here, I might get rid of my mom's dandelions. It's either them or a boyfriend and it took me more to get one than it took mom to grow them.

-Why didn't you ask me to help? I am a gardener, Jisung placed his hand on Hyunjin's back.

-I didn't know if you were allergic too. Since you are half brothers.

Jisung nodded before starting digging as well.

-So when are you leaving?

-This Sunday. -How is Minho handling this?

-Better than me. A lot better. He wants me to live my dream. He wants me to go. I wanna go. But I don't wanna leave you all.

Suddenly Hyunjin stopped and started staring blankly at the ground.

-You know what they say... If you love something, you let it go, he added while sniffing. I've always hated this phrase. Maybe I am selfish, he tried to laugh but ended up crying.

-Hey! Look at me, Jisung took him by the hands. What's wrong?

-I am tired, Hyunjin mumbled. I have been holding on for so long. All these years of loneliness. Comforting others cause I wasn't allowed to show my pain. I missed you so much, Jisung! I have been waiting for you all this God damn time! And now you're leaving again, he wrapped his hands around Jisung, hugging him tightly.

-I will miss you too, Hyunjin! You are so special to me! It feels like you have always been by my side, Jisung smiled while caressing the taller's back. I promise you will be the first one to know when I come back.

The museum

-Found it! Felix screamed from the other room.

Jeongin followed his voice and saw him standing next to a display of glass where the crown was in.

-How did you find it?

-I can depict shapes now. Besides... I can feel its energy. It's like a cold breeze that crawls under your skin right into your bones.

-Now what?

-We destroy it. Do you have something to break the glass with?

Jeongin looked around and saw an old mini-statue.

-That's all I've got.

-Do it!

He threw the statue into the display, making the glass shatter.

-I can stop the alarm from ringing, but I'm sure the police will be here in 5 minutes or less, Felix said.

-Can you do it in 5 minutes?

-I can do it in 3. Watch my back, ok?

Felix took a deep breath, then focused all the energy he had into a magic red string that slowly got attached to the crown, then the power started growing, hitting the gold with waves and waves of magic. Again and again and again, making the crack in the gems larger.

-It's almost there, Felix! Keep going! Jeongin yelled. One more time! For us!

The last hit was the most powerful.

As Felix felt all the energy being sucked out of him and his body collapsing, the crown was torn to pieces flying there and there. Jeongin lowered to the floor, almost being hit by one broken gem that landed in the wall.

-Did I do it?

-Yes! You did it! Now let's go! Jeongin hugged Felix quickly before getting his hand and running for his life.

When they decided they have run far enough, they took a break to breathe.

-What's wrong? Jeongin asked seeing Felix distracted.

-That magic signature inside the crown. I recognize it everywhere. My mother's.

-What are you saying?

-I think my mom was angered by the previous king and cursed his family to turn evil.

-So it was the crown...

-It was, Felix confirmed. And now we broke her curse. Now we have to break mine too.

After Hyunjin calmed down, they both continued to take out dandelions without saying a word.

Suddenly Jisung felt dizzy and took a minute to stay in one place.

Then he saw a red string of energy linked to his chest. It was unbelievable. It looked like it was absorbed away from his body.

Hyunjin watched the scene and a little hope glimmered in his eyes.

The same string escaped Seungmin's body as well, but the younger was asleep and he couldn't see it, just feel a little weight coming off his shoulders.

They were free now. Nothing was linking them to the roots of evil anymore.

Almost at the end, guys

I hope you enjoyed this story!

Thank you for reading!

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