The older brother

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800 years ago

The day of coronation, the pov of the older brother (it's the same day from two perspectives, so two passages are gonna repeat themselves)

-Congratulations, my prince! Chan bowed in front of Jisung. I heard you are becoming king today.

-I am. It's just...

-Your fiance needs to be by your side and kiss you in front of the crowd when you get into the castle, Chan completed Jisung's idea. I know. I'm not very fond of it either. But that's the tradition. I'll make it quick.

Jisung nodded and took Chan's hand.

They entered in the castle and went to the balcony to wave at the crowd.

-Can I? Chan asked putting his hand on Jisung's cheek.

The younger didn't say a word. He just closed his eyes and waited for the moment their lips touched. It was shirt, with no spark.

Nevertheless, Jisung felt so dirty kissing a man his heart doesn't skip a beat for.

He heard the cheers from outside, but his attention was on Chan's guilty expression.

Neither of them wanted this.

But it was their guarantee of peace between the two Kingdoms. Only this way they could give their people a feeling of security.

Jisung went to his room to calm down. In less then ten minutes he was about to become king.

-How are you feeling?

Jisung jumped startled by the voice. He turned around and saw Minho at the door.

-Why are you here?

-Changbin made me come. I saw you at the balcony earlier... I-

Minho was cut off by Jisung's hungry lips.

Minho was slammed to the wall while Jisung was pushing his body more into the Knight's.

The older put his hands on the prince's waist and started slowly to climb on his arching back.

Jisung needed that kiss so much. He wanted to feel good. He wanted Minho more than ever.

And the older wasn't pushing him back. Was accepting him. Embracing him.

When their mouths parted for them to breath, Jisung looked at Minho like he was the most beautiful thing in the world.

-I apologise! It was too sudden. I should've asked before.

-I would have probably done it myself if you weren't that fast, Minho said caressing with his thumb Jisung's bottom lip. I missed you these days.

-I wasn't quite sure what happened between us last time we talked, Jisung said avoiding eye contact.

-I did mean it, my prince! I do have feelings for you!

Jisung closed the distance one more, this time Minho's hands running through the younger's hair.

When Jisung backed off, he looked down and spotted a bulge in Minho's pants.

His whole face started burning.

-Is that...

Minho was too embarrassed to reply. He left the room without a word.

Seungmin took his place on Jisung's right and watched the crowd of people filling the room with excitement.

-Did I miss something? Seungmin whispered in Jisung's ear. Why are you so red?

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