I missed you

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-Is Seungmin here? Hyunjin asked the waitress.

-No, I'm sorry! she said looking at Hyunjin who pathetically left the cafeteria.

After she made sure he was gone, she went to the kitchen where Seungmin was hiding.

-He's gone.

-Thanks! Seungmin said sighing in relief.

-You can't avoid him forever.

-I want him to move on and find happiness in someone that actually likes him back. He can't obsess over me for a lifetime.

-Then talk to him.

-I tried. I really did. I just don't understand what he sees in me. And the longest he tries, the more it will hurt him the rejection.

Jeongin woke up because of the sunlight sneaking through the curtains.

He shifted in bed a little before he realise someone was spooning him.

-Morning, baby, Chan said kissing Jeongin on the cheek.

-I forgot you were here.

-Rude, Chan pouted. How did you sleep?

-Surprisingly good. I had no nightmares.

-It's my effect, Chan smiled while hugging Jeongin tighter.

The warmth of Chan's body covering his own made Jeongin feel safe in the older's embrace.

It was a strange feeling he didn't know he was urging for.

His hands became to shake as he gripped Chan's shirt harshly.

-Jeongin? Chan asked worried.

-Make me a favor and don't let go yet, the younger replied hiding his face in Chan's chest.

-I won't, he answered ruffling Jeongin's hair. We can stay like this forever if you want to.

Felix went to look for Jeongin that morning.

There was only one problem: he didn't know where was the latter's room or how to get there without bumping into Minho or someone else besides Jisung.

He made his way down the stairs, holding carefully to the railing, but he missed the last step and fell on his knees.

-Are you alright?

Felix froze when he heard the familiar voice. He was the one he wanted the avoid no matter the cost.

Why was the universe against him so badly? He didn't have a choice, didn't he?

He took a deep breath and mentally prepared himself.

-I'm fine. Thank you for your concern! he smiled in the wrong direction.

-Let me help you, Changbin reached his hand to help Felix stand up.

When Felix couldn't find the hand to grab it, Changbin used both hands and lifted Felix by his waist.

A slightly blush covered Felix's cheeks as tones of memories flooded his brain.

-Sorry for touching your waist without permission, Changbin said rubbing his nape. Did you have a sleepover with Jisung? Don't worry! I won't tell Minho. You're heading home?

-Actually, can you help me get to the garden?

-The garden? Jisung is not even up at this hour.

-I know. I want to find the willow tree.

Changbin didn't question too much Felix's demand. He slowly put his hand on Felix's waist after asking for permission this time, while the younger placed his hand around Changbin's neck.

-You know that you could have just taken my hand and led the way, right? Felix asked raising an eyebrow.

-I don't want you to stumble and break something. Once you get used to the environment, I will let you walk on your own.

When they arrived at the willow tree, Felix sat down under it, right next to the trunk.

He knew the willow tree was the only place he had the chance to find magic, but he had to make sure Changbin left before starting to take the energy from the tree's roots.

-I'm sorry...he mumbled, waiting patiently for an answer.

-For what? Changbin replied.

He was standing behind Felix, watching the younger.

-For not listening to you. You set me free and I waisted the chance. I didn't listen to you and now we are all here. I'm sorry!

-What are you talking about? Changbin crossed his arms.

-I missed you, Bin...

On Felix's face plastered a weak and painful smile.

So many years without Changbin and now he couldn't even see him.

Only hear his voice and feel his touch. Getting flustered at every interaction and trying to avoid him.

There were all the consequences of his actions.

Hyunjin entered Minho's room and threw himself on the bed, making the older flinch awake.

-What the- Hyunjin!

-Morning, hyung! he said sulking with his face buried in the mattress.

-What are you doing?

-Seungmin avoids me.

Minho rolled his eyes while sighing.

-Hyunjin, don't you think it's time to move on? For God's Sake, it's been two years!

-Hyung, you don't understand. It's pure love. I know it. I feel it. I live with this strange feeling that if I let go of him, something bad it's gonna happen.

-You live with an obsessive behavior and I fear one day you will become a sociopath that kills everyone around Seungmin and kidnaps him. Give him some space. See if he misses you. And if not, you will date someone just to try, alright?

Hyunjin nodded without saying a word.

-And if he hurts my best friend, I will gladly buy the cafeteria and fire him, he said smiling devilish. Now, Minho cleared his throat. I need your help.

-With what? Hyunjin sat down on the edge of the bed properly.

-You know how my mom wants me to date Chan, he rolled his eyes. It's because she wants a partnership between our company and their fabrics. Well, I have you, the smartest guy I know, to find a solution to this partnership that doesn't evolve me getting married and being a bottom for that guy. Can you figure it out?

-That depends. Can you procure the blueprints of the infrastructure? I need to see if the constructions match first. I might have an idea.

-I'm on it! Thank you, Hyunjin!

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