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800 years ago...

Changbin and Chan were training with their swords when Hyunjin thought of joining them.

When Chan saw him, he clenched his fist and passed a sword to him.

-I surely want to duel with you.

-It's been a while since I held a blade in these two hands. I used to fight with his Highness.

-Even more exciting, Chan replied, eager to win against Hyunjin.

-Don't spill any blood before get on the battlefield, a voice added.

Changbin whipped his head and spotted Minho walking towards them.

-What are you doing here? the High Cross Knight asked.

-I am your right hand. Couldn't miss the chance to fight besides you in this war.

-I thought...

-The king gave me permission to fight. Or more like an order. He told me I'm his best tactician and it's a must for me to be here.

A little proud smile crept on Changbin's face.

He won in an argument with the king. And most importantly, he had Minho with him.

The fear of war started slowly to fade. He trusted Minho with his life.

-Is it true that you are joining us, your Highness? Minho asked Chan.

-Yes, indeed. For Jeongin, he added with glassy eyes. He didn't deserve that.

-No one deserves such fate, Minho replied.

From the balcony, Jisung was watching them, a lump forming in his throat.

The door opened suddenly, revealing Seungmin followed by Felix.

-I brought him as you asked, Seungmin spoke.

Jisung turned around and walked towards the witch until a few inches were between them.

-What can I do for you, Your Highness? Felix asked with a bit of boldness in his voice.

-I want you to link me to someone.

Felix's expression dropped as fear started creeping in his body.

-Link? What is that? Seungmin asked confused.

-How do you know about it? Felix asked, his pupils being dilated to the fullest as his fingers were tingling from a wave of magic going suddenly through his body.

-Your mother. Ragana. She linked my mother to me.

-You met my mother? Felix asked dumbfounded.

-I was just a baby. My mother loved me so much that she didn't want me to feel any kind of pain. So she linked herself to me, so she could know whenever I was in danger.

-What is a link? Seungmin yelled this time, so he can receive an answer.

-A link is when a witch casts a spell on you and a person you choose. You can feel his pain whenever he is near death. This way the victim has a peaceful death while the person that requested the link goes through the pain and misery of death without dying.

-Does that mean the other person will feel his pain too?

-No. The link is not an agreement made between the person and his host. The king will feel his own pain too as long as no one requests a link with him.

-I want a link with Minho, Jisung stated. I don't want some soldier to come one day and tell me his fate. I wanna know it. To feel it for him, Jisung added with a blank face.

-Your Highness, the link lasts even in the afterlife. If you will reincarnate, you will still be linked to him.

-This is exactly what I wish.

-I don't believe you understand how painful is it, Felix tried to explain the dangers of the spell.

-I do!

-No, you don't...

Felix stepped back and a wave of red magic surrounded him, revealing animal bites on his body.

Seungmin's eyes widen in fear when he saw the familiar injuries.

-What is the meaning of this? Jisung asked, holding back his tears.

-You...Seungmin came closer to Felix. You are linked to Jeongin, aren't you?

-A witch, Your Highness, is a parasite. We need to suck energy out of a human...a host. In exchange, we get linked to him or her, taking away their pain near death. I wanted to choose someone who wouldn't fight in war. Someone safe who can treat himself. I made a very poor choice. I linked myself to the doctor and he died first in a horrific way. I felt every fang tearing apart the flesh off his body.

-This means he didn't feel any pain...Jisung said with tears in his eyes.

-Yes. But he had to watch the whole scene... Like a dream he couldn't wake up from while I was begging the heavens to numb my body, Felix added, a tear rolling down his cheek. Are you willing to take this risk, Your Highness?

-He died peacefully at least...Seungmin added.

-He was afraid and confused!

-But he didn't go through pain. I don't want Minho to feel pain either, Jisung stated. Do it!


-That's an order!

Felix nodded and send a string of magic to Jisung's heart, then another one to Minho's and knotted them together.

-You are linked to him now, Felix affirmed before leaving the room.

-Wait! Seungmin ran down the hall after the witch.

-Is there something else I can do for you?

-I want you to link me to Jisung, Seungmin said. I'm begging you! He is my brother and I don't want him to bear the pain of two deaths.

-Do you know what I love about humans? How you are deciding everyone's faith before having any clue about it. You have no trust in the Knight. You are assuming he is gonna die and now you are mourning someone who is still alive. Humans live very short. Why don't you enjoy the moments you have left? That counts for you too. I can feel the energy being drawn-out of the Duke.

-Please! Seungmin shouted once more.

Felix turned around and casted the spell, linking Seungmin to Jisung.

-Use your time wisely. I will surely do with mine, Felix added before leaving.


Two days have passed since the accident and Jeongin hadn't woken up ever since.

In his hospital room, on a chair placed next to the window was Felix standing and holding his hand.

He couldn't see him, so only the beeps of his heart monitor were telling him the younger was still breathing.

-I can't feel anything, he whispered to himself. I don't know if you hear me, Jeongin, but you are lucky you are still alive. You were near death. I could feel it. The glass cutting through my skin and the hit at the head. Then suddenly it was all gone. I guess that's when you lost your conscience. I need your help, Jeongin... Minho is next and I don't know how to stop this, he said with a trembling lip. Even worse...if he goes through a near death experience, Jisung will be the one who will feel it. What am I gonna do? I've been searching for you for 150 years and now... I am about to lose you all again.

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