The rules

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800 years ago...

-His what? Minho shouted a little to loud.

Jisung heard it and turned around to see the Duke refraining himself from laughing and the Knight on his knees plating roses.

-Who's that? Chan asked clueless.

-Just a servant, Jisung replied keeping his voice steady.

They walked towards Minho who looked at them aback.

-Do all your Knights usually plant flowers? Chan asked spotting the thorns heraldry on Minho's clothes.

-Of course not. It's just a punishment I apply to maintain the order.

-With flowers? It doesn't seem like a punishment to me.

Jisung bit his lip and squinted his eyes, trying to calm himself down. He took a deep breath and put again the fake smile.

-You are absolutely right. I must be still young to understand how to rule a kingdom. But if you are willing to teach me, I'm sure our alliance will flowerish into something beautiful. Shall we continue? Jisung added clinging to Chan's arm, his head leaning on his shoulder.

Minho watched the whole scene, seeing in how much pain was the prince pretending to be the perfect innocent clueless heir.

-Why is he doing this? He knows how to rule a kingdom. He is strong, not whatever is he trying to appear.

-He needs to portray the damsel in distress in order for prince Chan to accept the marriage. Since he is a boy, he needs to appear weak and helpless, so Chan's pride won't be hurt. This is how royalty works, soldier. It hurts his soul to be like this, but it is a need for his kingdom. The alliance can save millions of peasants from war. The Liliac Kingdom has a strong army. Jisung sacrifices his pride for his people. And of course...his body too, Hyunjin whispered before cleaning his throat in awkwardness.

Minho's eyes widen at those words.

-What? he rose on his feet.

-They must have physical encounter as a married couple. But the rules mention as well that the future king Chan would have to impregnat a woman in order to have a heir.

-You mean Jisung will be owned without consent and cheated on?

-These are the rules. It's not Chan's fault nor Jisung's. Nor the king's. This is just because the Queen died before giving birth to a girl. Jisung is the only heir. He has responsibilities.

Jisung was showing the castle to Chan.

Their hands were intertwined, but he was feeling anxious. He was feeling sick of that role he was playing. But he didn't have a choice.

It was nothing to talk about with that guy. They didn't match at all. Mostly because Chan never showed his passions or character to anyone.

It was all just a pretty face for the throne. And that's exactly what Jisung needed to appear like.

-Your Highness! Jisung turned his head confused and saw Minho running towards them.

He stopped in front of them and paused to take a deep breath.

-Are you alright? Chan asked genuinely worried.

That was the first true emotion Jisung got to see from him.

-I'm alright, Don't worry! Prince Jisung! he suddenly raised his head.

Jisung was taken aback. Despite his numerous tries to make Minho call him by the name, he never did. So why starting now?

-We need your help at the stalls. Please! he said the last word with a tiny voice.

-You should go, Chan said with a reassuring smile.

-But what about you? Jisung asked squeezing his hands.

-I take care of him, Hyunjin appeared out of nowhere. I'll finish the tour for you, your Highness, Hyunjin bowed.

Jisung mouthed a silent "Thank you" to his best friend before being dragged by Minho by the hand through the castle.

Minho was running fast, like those kids in their expedition discovering for the first time the huge walls surrounding them and their hidden secrets.

However, Jisung couldn't keep up with him. He tried, but he stumbled and fell down.

-Your Highness? Minho kneeled down worried.

-I'm ok. It's just my leg.

Minho then realised Jisung had been injured all that time.

-Did you actually do a duel with me while in this condition?

Minho was so surprised that he forgot to talk respectfully.

-It's not broken. Just the ankle sprained. I fell in the garden two weeks ago. I'm still recovering.

-And you won against me with that injury...

-That's why I didn't want you to let me win. I wanted to prove myself.

Minho raised on his feet and took Jisung in his arm, carrying him bridal style through the halls of the castle.

-What are you doing? Jisung asked flustered.

-You proved yourself to me, prince Jisung. I see how powerful you are. But sometimes everyone needs a little help. You don't have to do everything alone. And it's definitely not a sign of weakness to ask for help.

Jisung listened carefully the words Minho said. A little smiled creeped on his face while he leaned his head on Minho's chest, relaxing his whole body for the first time that day.

-Can I call you Minho? he suddenly asked. Or am I too insisting?

-Minho will do, your- I mean prince Jisung. Yeah...Prince Jisung.

-You can drop the title part.

-Not yet.

Jisung chuckled at Minho being shy.

They reached Jisung's room and Minho let down the prince.

-What was the reason that you brought me here, Minho?

-Because I need to help you take your things.


-We're leaving. Do you recall the memory when you told me if I lose the duel, I have to take you to my mother's farm?

Jisung almost forgot that.

-Wait! In this exact moment?

-Tomorrow, at the dawn.

-Very well, we'll meet at the gate, Jisung flashed a smile to the Knight before closing the door after him.

But as they wilt and die, flowers represent fragility and the swift passage from life into death.

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