5. Party time

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^^just the outfits, not the people lol


"Thank you again for the ride." I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door to Jaxons silver Chrysler. Which if you ask me is a very humble choice seeing as how his mother owns the city mall. Who knows how much money that brings home? All I know is that it's a lot!

Jaxon didn't say anything , just gave me a two fingered salute before hauling ass back down the street. A part of me wishes that he would've stayed or even just walked me to my door. I've made these fake scenarios in my head about a boy walking me to my doorstep and leaving a soft kiss on my lips, but like every other dream it won't come true.

"I'm home!" I slam the door behind me, throwing my book bag on the kitchen counter. I wasn't surprised when I don't hear anyone call back. That means Trey is out and my parents are still at work. Yay!


Unzipping each zipper to my bag, I tried my hardest to figure out where the sound was coming from when I finally found it I saw I had a missed called from Riley. So now she has time for me?!

*ring-a-ling* It started to buzz in my hand. "Hello?" I answer, making my way down the stairs and into my cave.

"Jaz! How have you been?" I grimaced at the sound of her screaming through the phone.

"I've been good Riles, it's just nice to hear your voice again, and to know you're you know...alive!" She giggled.

"You are so dramatic! Anyways, guess what?" I guess I can't be mad at her, Riley is her happiest when she's with Ryder...and as much as I'd love to have her all to myself I just want her to be happy.

"Ryder dropped dead? Ryder got hit by a bus? Oh my god! Did Ryder get in a head on head collision with a Semi?!" I couldn't help but feel warm about the thought of something happening to him, but if something were to actually happen to him of course I would be devastated...for Riley.

"No silly! We were invited to a party tonight!" Her scream almost caused my ear drums to bleed. A party? No way in hell would anybody invite me to a party!

"I think you meant you were invited to a party." I mumbled and hopped on my comfy bed. Mmm so soft.

"No, Ryder invited both of us. Cmon it'll be fun." Let's just say that she did not have to beg me twice! I am so going to that party! And I am going to shake some ass! And maybe I could get a little tipsy!

2 hours and 5 minutes later

"Holy shit!" I shrieked when I saw the house we were headed into. It was huge, not mansion huge but definitely 'my parents own something really important' huge! There were cars parked down the long driveway, and a guzzilion cars parked on the streets of each neighborhood. I am serious when I say it took us a half hour just to find somewhere to park!

Riley stuck to her casual look, which I tried my hardest to talk her out of, but after a long talk about how she didn't want to change just because she has a popular boyfriend now and how she didn't want to lose herself and blah blah blah I let it be. Although her outfit wasn't the norm for her so I guess you can say I worked a little bit of my magic.

My outfit wasn't the norm for me either. I decided to wear my hair down, and add the faintest bit of makeup to top it off, I was wearing a white, blue and pink crop top with hearts on it, with a blue mini skirt. When it got to choosing jewelry, I threw on every necklace, every bracket, and every waist band I had. I looked like a super star for sure!

The inside was far more beautiful than the exterior. The floors were so shiny I could drop a pickle on it and still eat it five second later. There was a swirly staircase that led to a tall bridge that someone had decorated with garland lights. The whole place was very open and inviting. I have a feeling they're going to have to drag me out of this place tonight.

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