28.) Reconciliation

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"Ding Dong Bitches!" I stalked into Mikeys garage, heading straight for my duffel bag. Shawns head shot up from the arm rest on the couch, squinting at me.

"You made it!" He beamed. "How was work?"

"I got fired." I said bluntly, before shoving all of my clothes into my bag.

"Where are twiddle dee and twiddle dumb?"

"They went out. Without me." He shrugged. By his slouching posture, and the smug expression on his face, I could tell he was upset.

I slung my duffel bag over my shoulder, before giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

"You'll live."

"Where ya goin?"

"I am going to reconcile with my parents." I smiled at him, but his eyes scrunched together in confusion. Probably at my failed attempt at a smile.

"Urm, are you sure that's a good idea? I mean the last time you guys talked you were throwing them out of your hospital room."

"I don't need the recap, okay? I am going to explain to them that I am there sweet, loving, and kind daughter and they are going to accept me back into their home."

Shawn scratched the back of his neck, before giving me a weary smile. "Good luck I guess."

I need more than just luck. What I needed was for my mom to understand me, and for my dad to speak his mind.

"You ready?" Jaxon popped his head into the garage.

"Yes." I chimed, pushing a curl away from my eyes.

"Can I come?"

"No." Damn that was quick.

"Yes, you can come." I agreed, running a teasing hand through his hair. "But hurry up."

The car ride there was filled with silence, Jaxon was focused on his driving, meanwhile Shawn has his earbuds in, whisper singing to "Let the bodies hit the floor," and I was stuck in my thoughts, like always.

There are just too many things to worry about in a situation like reconciliation. What do I say? How do I act? Will I be able to apologize and seem like I actually mean it? What if this whole thing just blows up in my face?

"Hey, whatcha thinking?" Jaxons hand came out of nowhere, giving mine a tight squeeze. I flinched at our skin connecting like it used to. Pulling my hand back into my lap, I turned to him.

"Oh nothing, just thinking about how you looked like a clown this morning." I  chuckled, shoving him in his face.

He chuckled along with me, staring into my eyes. I could be wrong, but for just a second I could've sworn he was looking at me with those eyes. The ones he had when we would share time together. Love, lust-

no it couldn't be. He doesn't feel that way about me. He never did..

He said it himself, it was all just a summer fling.

I cleared my throat awkwardly, causing him to turn his attention back to the road.

Well that was weird.

"We're here." He chimed, parking the car in my old driveway. I sat there for a moment, staring at the brick house I once called my home. How did everything go to shit so fast? I mean everything practically fell apart when my brother went to college, sadly giving me all of my parents attention I wish I never had.

If only I could go back in time. If only Trey could come back.

"You want me to go in with you?" His hand moved to the ignition, tugging at the key, but I stopped him. Placing my hand on top of his, I smiled, "I got this." I released a deep sigh, still not able to lift the bone crushing weight off my chest.

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