16.) Danger

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"Woah. You're wearing that?" Riley's mouth stretched into a pity smile, and her eyes screamed 'please tell me you're joking.'

"What's wrong with it? It's not like we're going anywhere important." I rebutted, yanking my headphones back over my ears. Riley and Ryder made plans yesterday, that we are now doing today seeing as how Ryder had managed to mess that up by spraying ketchup in my hair.

The best part? None of us have parents to tell us no. Which in some ways might also be the worst part. That's up for debate.

"You can't wear that where we're going." Riley smiled through her teeth.

I sighed, yanking my headphones to my shoulders again.

Chuckles came from the staircase until they were right beside Riley. I rolled my eyes at the stench of toxic masculinity, fake gagging at the pair of boys standing with their shirts off.

"What the fuck are you wearing?" Ryder sneered, receiving a slap in the head from Riley.

"She doesn't know where we're going, because it's a surprise. Remember?" Riley whined, yanking at Ryders arm. "But it looks like you already told Serious Black over here!" She seethed, pointing a finger at a smirking Jaxon.

"Yeah, I got the memo. Nice Harry Potter reference by the way, you really think I look like-

"No." Riley and I both answered at the same time, receiving a fist bump from one another.

"Fine, since everyone else already knows, we are going swimming!" Riley clapped, and giggled.

I rolled my eyes at her. As if that wasn't completely obvious by the two Abercrombie wanna be's in front of me in nothing but swim trunks.

"And why can't I just wear this? It's not like I can swim anyways." I admitted, plopping a seat on the couch.

"No, no, no. We are not waisting daylight today. I already picked out the perfect bikini for you!" She squealed, running past the boys and up the stairs, with my wrist in her hand.


"I am not wearing this!" I stifle a scream. A green two piece bikini! She wanted me to wear a two piece bikini! I could barely wear a bra and underwear without shading myself in the mirror and she wanted me to wear this! No way... no freaking way.

"Jasmine! You look hot!" I couldn't interpret her words one bit. All I could focus on were the long strings hanging down to touch my thighs, along with two decorative purple flowers stitched over the top of the bikini to cover each nipple. Classy.

"C'mon Jas, it's just for one day. I'll even bring your jacket along and if you hate it that much you can cover up the whole time, and even swim in it if you want!" She huffed, shoving my green jacket in her purse.

"Now c'mon you're going to love this!" She giggled, gripping my wrist yet again, she pulled me out to the front yard. Surprisingly it was actually a perfect day for swimming. Missouri was known for it's weather mood swings, but they managed to plan this on a day where the sun was beaming brighter than Riley's smile.

I covered my face, with the back of my hand, lifting my curls off of my sweaty forehead in the process. Part of me wishes I never would have taken that leave out down, because now I am stuck with an outrageous amount of hair in one hundred degree weather!

"Ryder hurry it's hot!" Riley whined, throwing her purse next to his Jeep tire.

"So why couldn't we just do this after school?" I questioned, pulling my bag tighter over my shoulder.

"Would you really want to go to school all day with the anticipation of what I had planned eating you alive with every class you went to, and every time you went to the bathroom, just being left wondering. What does Riley have planned after school?" She can't be serious. I rolled my eyes at her, nudging her playfully.

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