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"I will not tell you to put your phones away, and I will not tell you to stop talking, it is your decision on whether or not you want to take this class next year."

Mrs.Carson isn't really the kind of teacher who cares. I think If a student were to throw a rock through a window right now her reaction would consist of a 'Thank you for demonstrating Newton's second law of motion. Every object will remain at rest, unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force. With the external force being, the window.'

She isn't my favorite teacher, but she is definitely my favorite science teacher so far. I am a person who likes to know the rules in order to read the room. Yet she doesn't do that for me. Rules give me peace, seeing as how that's what I'm used to. I'm sure Riley would agree with me. We're both pretty introverted, and confided by strict rules at home. Which is is one of the reasons I call her my best friend.

Speaking of Riley, I decided to shoot her a text knowing she's probably in gym class with the WOTS. When Riley and I were freshman we clicked instantly. Seeing as how we both wear the typical square shaped glasses, though Riley didn't need them all of the time, Riley always keeps her hair in a high ponytail, whereas I keep mine in a low ponytail, and I wouldn't say we have zero style, I would just say we like to leave what's under our clothes to the imagination.

We of course were harassed by our classmates. But there were four specific girls that just loved to tickle our buttons. They think just because they can afford good shampoo, and dress like instagram influencers that they can pick on us! Their names are Cheyenne - she's the head of the group. Leila- the menace of the group. Taylor- also known as 'Tay-Tay' -also known as the brainless bimbo of the group, and Aaliyah- (she is the only black girl in their clique and is too far gone to be saved.)

I can relate to Aaliyah which is why when she would bully me for the way I looked I would just end up feeling sorry for her. She had her hair permed, her skin was 6 shades lighter than it was freshman year for some odd reason, and she talked like the two black cops that disguised themselves as white girls in the movie 'White Chicks.' Part of me wanted to save her, but I knew there was nothing that could be done.

Anyways, the WOTS are what we named their clique. (Whore's of the school." Maybe after graduation the meaning will change to (Whore's on the streets."

Me: Wyd?? Mrs. Carson is killing me!!

Riley: We're playing dodgeball today. save me !!!  :0

Me: Again?! That's the 3rd time this week.

Riley: Mr.Sherman loves to see me suffer :'-(

Me: Is it all period???

Moments passed and she still hadn't responded. My heart thumped faster at the thought of her getting sent to the nurses office with a broken nose and fractured ribs.

Me: Hello??
Me: Are you alive??

Riley: Sadly :(  I barely survived round 3.

Me: Round 3??

The bell rang signaling dismissal, and my heart wouldn't stop thumping. Gym was my next class and there's no way I'm going to be able to survive three rounds! I'm the least coordinated person I know. I got a bloody nose just yesterday after taking a ball to the face and now I have to relive that trauma.

After changing into my gym shorts and an I 'heart Grandview high school' t-shirt I joined the rest of the class in the gym. I looked around to see everyone talking to their friends. That must be nice I thought to myself. Riley has been my one and only friend at this school for four years now, and that isn't going to change unless my status here does which will be never.

"Alright class! You have two minutes to form two even groups to play dodgeball. If you can't do it yourselves than I will pick your teams for you , now go!" Mr.Sherman blew the whistle and everyone scurried like a pack of cockroaches. I scurried along with them, pushing and shoving my way through their bodies to join the jocks. I knew there was a better chance of me keeping the blood in my nose if I chose the team that would most likely win.

After shoving through one sweaty body after the other I managed to stand on the team with the jocks and cheerleaders. I wanted to applaud myself for making it over here before the other filthy rats with the same idea could take my spot.

"Alright now that you have your teams, each team will need to line up at-

"Woah woah woah wait a minute coach!" Some guy hollered from the back of my team, pushing his way to the front.

"We don't want this one!" He hollered, pointing a finger in my direction. I looked beside me wondering who he could be talking about , but to my surprise there was nobody standing next to me. My eyes widened when I realized he was talking about me.

The boy next to him snickered, but cleared his throat in his fist in a poor attempt to cover it up. I lifted my chin up, slowly looking at all of my classmates around me. Some of them were holding in laughs, some looked shocked, and some of them looked uninterested. There stares made me want to magically disappear.

"Your teams are final! Unless you want me to choose them for you..." Coach threatened. The class mumbled signaling that they did not want the teams to be chosen by him and made their ways to both ends of the gym like coach had instructed before he was rudely interrupted.

"You're gonna regret choosing this team." The brunette jock muttered, roughly brushing my shoulder with his. I've been going to school with him since freshman year and I still had no clue what his name was. Nor did I know his friends name. But his threat made me want to crawl into a hole and die.

Coach blew the whistle, starting the game. Our team started with the ball throwing it to at the other team. I dodged the ball a few times, receiving grunts from the two dickheaded jocks.

The other team threw the ball to our side only for it to be caught by the brunette boys friend. They both made eye contact before glancing back at me. Why are they- my thoughts were interrupted by the dodgeball being hurled at my face. My eyes bulged as the ball got closer. I jumped as far up as I could trying hard to get the ball to go in-between my legs, but I didn't jump high enough. So instead of it going in-between my legs, it hit me straight in the stomach.

I'm pretty sure it pushed me back a few feet with how hard he threw the ball. I dropped on the hard floor groaning in pain. The two boys laughed, giving each other a bro hug before coach blew the whistle.

"Nathan! You're out. No throwing the ball towards your own teammates!" He yelled, pointing a finger at the bleachers.

"Yes sir." Nathan sarcastically saluted coach and made his way to the bleachers.

"Brush it off Jasmine!" I could hear coach yell at me, but my eyes were squeezed shut, with my knees curled to my stomach on the floor. I couldn't move, let alone brush it off.

"Jasmine get up!" Coach yelled at me again. "Hold on coach, I'm trying to make sure that ball didn't rearrange my organs," I groaned, before slowly getting back on my feet. 

"Alright! Time for round two!"

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