42.) Clubbing

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"I thought you said we were going clubbing." I grimaced at the three layer mansion we were parked outside of. 

"Sometimes you need to make it seem like you're having way more fun than your're actually having to make people jealous." Vicky smirked, before hopping out of the car. 

I followed after her to the patio, cringing at the sound of my heals clacking on the fresh pavement. I seriosuly need to know who lives here and if they can adopt me as one of their own.

Vicky knocks before turning all of her attention toward me. "Shoulder up if you want to snag one of the rich hotters up in here." She said, giving me her freakiest smile of them all.

I confusingly glanced at her, opening my mouth to deny ever having those thoughts before a tall bruentte girl opened the door. My attention immediatley snaps towards her. "Vicky!" She squealed, rushing in for a hug. 

"I'm so glad you could make it." Her gaze suddenly fell on me. "Oh, and you brought a friend." 

"Hi, i'm Jas-

"Oh, I know who you are. It's not everyday a black girl joins the community." She said, before turning back into the mansion. 

I glared at her back before turning my gaze to Vicky who just shrugged. "She can be a bitch sometimes, but she's rich so try to get along." She whispered in my ear, before following after Brunette girl. 

I followed suit, yet somehow lost them within my first three steps in. How can this place be that gigantic? The entry way was larger than my bedroom back home. And if I thought Jaxon had many stairs this one definitley tops his plus the length of the escalators at the mall.

I spun around in circles in an attempt to take it all in.

"It's gorgeous isn't it?" I turned to look at the culprit. It was a boy about my age, dressed in a loose dress shirt and slacks. 

His hair was a a dirty blonde and slicked back, and his eyes were a dark brown like mine. Needless to say he was very very good looking. 

He held a drink of a dark stubstance in his glass, as he stalked toward me, but I still said nothing. 

"Let me guess your Annies friend?" He asked.

I stayed silent, accessing him over. He watched as my eyes shifted all over his body, before meeting his gaze again.

"You done?" He smirked. 

I averted my gaze as the all but too common feeling of my cheeks burning crept in. I was totally being a creep just then!

"It's fine." I lifted my gaze, at the feeling of one of his fingers under my chin.

"I get those kind of looks a lot." He smiled, finally showing his perfect teeth.

"So should I just call you mute girl, then?" He joked.

I grinned, averting my gaze once again. "No, you can call me Jas." I smiled.

"Jas?" He paused, thinking it over. 

"That is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Is it short for something?" He asked.

With all of the compliments I couldn't quite think straight. Was it short for something? Was what short for something? 


"Oh, yes. It's short for Jasmine." I chuckled. 

He smiled, pulling out a hand for me to take. "I can show you where the girls are if you'd like." 

I took his hand in mine allowing him to guide me. 

I wathced him carefully as he walked me up the staircase. His posture was what some people might define as 'exquisite.' But just thinking that word made me want to laugh. In all honesty it all made me want to laugh. But I didn't.

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