9.) I would never bail on you

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"You each get one phone call." The guard confirmed, slamming the iron gate, behind him.

"Who are you going to call?" Jaxons slim body leaned against the cold stone wall of the holding cell, next to the telephone. I shrugged, hugging myself and taking a seat on the bench. All I had were my parents and Riley, and Riley's probably at home sleeping off the alcohol. Meanwhile I'm going to have the worst headache tomorrow after what happened tonight.

"Hello? It's Jax. Can you come bail a friend and I out of jail? I'll explain later. Bye." His phone call was short and sweet, and given the nod he sent me when he hung up the phone, someone was coming to rescue us. Getting the hell out here is all fine and dandy, but where am I supposed to go when I'm out? I can't go home, I sure as hell can't go to Riley's, and her and my parents are all I have. I'm going to have to sleep under a bridge with other homeless people. I've read articles about homeless people being found stabbed under the bridges in our city, and just thinking about it sent shivers down my spine.

"Hey, I wanted to say sorry for earlier." Jaxon mumbled, scratching the back of his neck. I turned to look at him.

His cheeks were a light pink, and his eyes were focused on the filthy concrete floor of the holding cell.

"Sorry for what? If anything I should be the one apologizing. You wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for me." It was my turn to look down at the floor. Tears were rising in my eyes. From the night playing out in my head, and from the guilt I gained from dragging an innocent bystander into my problems.

"But you would. Your parents are... a lot like mine." He admitted, linking his hands together. He seemed on edge.

"I guess I just thought I knew you from your good grades, and the way you dress, and how you act in school. I thought I had you all figured out." He sighed, combing his hands through his hair.

"And I was wrong. And I'm sorry for that." He lifted his chin, staring me directly in the eyes. His brown eyes looked pleading, almost sad.

"Nobody ever truly knows what goes on in other peoples lives. I don't blame you." I raised my hand, placing it on top of his, in an attempt to console him.

"The ones I do blame are the ones who judged me , and bullied me when I already had bullies at home. The ones who made me feel like I could never get away from it all. I felt like my only escape was Riley... but I feel like there's going to come a day where I won't even have her..." I shook my head, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Jasmine Williams, you're free to go." Both mine and Jaxons heads snapped to the sound of my name.

"What about me?" It looked harder for him to keep his composure each second he was here.

"Is you name Jasmine Williams?" The guard shot back sarcastically. Jaxons jaw clenched at his question. I placed my hand back over his, and squeezed it , letting him know he was going to be okay.

I followed the guard out of the cell and down the hall, waiting to see my savior. I don't know who Jaxon called, but maybe they can only take one of us at a time or something. Stepping into the lobby to see my night in shining armor, I gasp when I see who it is. Nothing could have ever prepared me for this.

"Mom? Dad?" I gasped, looking to see my parents filling out a form, most likely for my release.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, frozen in place.

"We're here to bail you out." My mom said in a 'duh' tone, like she couldn't be bothered with me.

"What was the point of putting me in here then?!" I practically screamed at them. My mind was racing, and my blood was boiling once again.

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