33.) Dove

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Holding the sad, and doleful boy in my arms made me think to myself. Is this what the world has come to? Beat and batter people until this happens?

If so, then I don't want any part of this so called 'American dream.'

I had seen article after article about this happening on the news, but I didn't for one second think it would happen here, and to me.

But here I was.

"Derrick." I spoke careful, in an attempt not to tick him off.

"Do you know who else you shot?"

He lifted his head off of my shoulder, deadpanning me in the eyes.

"Some guys in the hallway before I came here."

I couldn't help, but let a gasp escape from my lips. The boys!

I let the boy go, scurrying to the door, before my wrist was yanked back.

"Forget them. They don't matter." His eyes pleaded with me to stay, but between Derrick and  the boys, I had to choose the boys.

"I'm sorry Derrick, I have to make sure they're okay." I begged, whipping my wrist from his grip, I turned into the hall.

"Arms up!"

"Put your fucking hands up!"

"On the ground! On the ground now!"

My eyes instantly widened at the sight of the SWAT team storming in my direction.

I instantly shot my hands in the air, kneeling down to the floor.

I looked beside me to see  Derrick trembling from head to toe.

He stood standing in the doorway of the classroom, his eyes quivering with tears.

I couldn't look away. They were scared, but then again they were also very angry.


Is he gonna-

"Derrick, no!" I screamed at the sight of him, swiftly picking up the gun from beside me.

"Leave her alone!" He screamed.

I clenched my eyes tightly at the sound of bullets flying.


"Don't!" I screeched.

But it was too late. I could only stare in horror.


"AAAH!" I squeezed my eyes shut, but the image was already fresh in my mind.

Derrick layed lifeless right beside
me with a fresh bullet in his forehead.

Tears spilled from my sockets like a waterfall that never stopped flowing.

I talked him off of the ledge, I hugged him, i understood him and they shot him.

Did he deserve it? I don't know.

At this point, I couldn't hear anything. The only sound that remained were my own screams.

I wasn't still screaming was I?

I was soon gripped by my armpits and pulled off the cold tile floor. Their were officers everywhere. But far behind him I saw commotion at the end of the hall, along with a stretcher.

My heart immediately dropped as I saw Reggie and Shawn standing over it.  No...

This can't be happening. Tell me nobody was hurt! Tell me they're all okay!  I pulled from the officers grip , running in their direction.

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