15.) Lip Virginity

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I shoved Jax away from me, taking a second to catch my breath. I did not just lose my lip virginity to Jax freaking Scott! That was supposed to be my choice!

I slapped him loud enough for the neighbors to hear. Smirking at his look of shock. He can't take that moment back, but I can make him wish he could.

"What the f-

"Baby, is everything alright?" Ari hummed from outside of the laundry room door. I looked at Jax again before smirking. "No everything's not alright. Your boy toy here just kgrmrm-

I couldn't finish, due to Jax's hands tightly rapping around my mouth. I struggled against him, trying to break free but he was too strong.

"Yes baby, I'm just trying to put her in her place." Jax hollered back to her. My eyes widened at that. This time I kicked the door, and repeatedly slapped his arm to let me go.

"Okay baby. Come back when you're done. You have to see this tik-tok I just posted." Ari said, before walking away.

When he finally heard the sound of her hitting the couch, he let me go.

"You asshole!" I shoved him again, pushing him up against the washer.

"What is wrong with you?" He whisper shouted back at me.

"Don't shout at me! I should be shouting at you! You... kissed me!" I whisper shouted back at him.

"I thought that's what you wanted!"

I gasped.

"What I wanted? Maybe under different circumstances the answer would've been yes, but you have a girlfriend!"

He paused, rubbing his chin with his thumb. "So what? You want me to break up with her then?"

I raised my eyebrows at him. Wanted to smack him again, just to knock some sense into him.

"Why in the world would you do that?"

"Because." He pulled me by my tank top strap, to where I was mere inches away from him. "You intrigue me." He smirked.

"I can't believe- I can't believe I ever thought you were a decent human begin. You and Ryder are exactly the same! Grade A assholes!" I push him away again, this time a flash of hurt crosses his face, but I ignore it.

Opening the door to the laundry room, and plopping on the couch with a sigh.

"What are you sighing for?" Ari asked as if she really cared.

"Have you ever- no you probably haven't." I cut myself off, with a grin.

"Have I ever what, nerd?"

You know what? That tears it!

"It's just Jax.. I release a deep sigh to give a more dramatic effect.

"Have you ever sucked a dick so big that it just leaves you so sleepy and exhausted at the end? Like the cum is laced with melatonin or something?"

I wait for her response, but nothing followed. I can't really see her in the dark, but I think I might have angered her to death.

"Well anyways... I'm sleepy and exhausted. I'm gonna go to bed now." I yawn, cozying up on the couch.

"Jax!" I cover my ears from her glass shattering scream, before smiling a little bit to myself. Ha it worked!

I felt a shift from beside me before I heard banging on the laundry room door.

"You are sick! A sick man! I can't believe I trusted you again and again! I am so done! You hear me? I'm done this time!"

I can't lie when I say my heart dropped a little bit at the sound of her sobbing. She must have really loved him. And from the 'again and again' part she must have really really loved him.

The front door slammed just a second before the laundry door opened.

"What the hell did you say to her?"

"Nothing! She just started crying and running, I tried to ask her what was wrong, but she wouldn't answer me." I shrugged, leaning into the couch, to not only support my back, but my lie as well.

"That- but-

He ran up the steps, manhandling the front door before it opened, but it was too late. Ari was nowhere to be seen.

"You think you can come in here and attack my kids, huh?" I ran up the stairs at the sound of Ryders dad. He had a shotgun pointed directly at Jax's head.

"Uh, Ryder!" I shouted, hoping he would hear me.

"Shut up, spy!"


I screamed covering my ears, meanwhile Jax stood frozen.

"S-sir, it's me Jax. I've been friends with Ryder for-


"Stop trying to feed me your lies!"

"Dad!" Ryder was suddenly right next to his dad, ripping the shotgun from his hands. "You could've hurt someone!"

"Yea yea, that's the point." He grunted, glaring at me, before heading in the direction of his room.

Is it just me, or was that instant karma?

"Listen Jax, I wasn't completely honest with you.." I trailed off.

He glared down at me as if telling me 'you think?' Before I gripped his wrist, pulling him down the stairs behind me. I take him to the couch, where I let go, and sit criss cross beside him.


Jax's eyes widened like flying saucers. "Are you serious?" His hands clenched at his sides, while he stared me down.

"Look, it was nothing personal at all, I just didn't like her." I concluded, slowly scooting away from him.

"Thanks a lot Jasmine! That was my girlfriend, as in my future wife, and you just had to open your mouth and ruin it!"

"Hey you kissed me! Remember?" I huffed, shoving an accusing finger to his chest. Wait did he just say future wife?

"You guys kissed?" Ryder stood in the doorway of the basement with a disgruntled look on his face.

Jax held out his hands in a fake choking motion towards my neck, before turning to face Ryder.

"That's not what she said. She said, I shot my shot, and I missed." Jax fake giggled.

"I shot my shot, and I- you little bitc-

I was cut off by Jaxon's hands swinging up to grip my under arms. No I mustn't be tickled. Must. Get. Point. Across. Though I couldn't hold it in anymore. It started off as an evil chuckle, turning into a giggle, and then a full blown squeal.

"Stop. Jaxon. Spare. Me." I laughed hysterically, pulling at his arms in return. All I could see from my blindsided defeat was a smirk on those pink lips, and a devious glint in his eye.

"What the hell's going on down here?" I looked up, to maybe see the last face ever before the reaper comes for me.

"Riley," I gasped.

"Help." I let out a breath, holding my hand out for her to take.

"They kissed." Ryder blurted, before pulling a smug smirk on his face.

"For the last time, we did not kiss!" Jaxon shouted, letting go of my underarms, he backed away from me completely. Was he that repulsed by the idea of our friends knowing we touched lips? Of course he is! Why would he want to be seen with the nerdy girl?

I backed up into the corner part of the sectional, holding my hands in my lap. "He is right. We didn't kiss." I backed him up, gripping at the blanket on the floor. "Now if you'll excuse me I'd like to go to bed, and forget this night ever happened." I groan, pulling the blanket over my head.

Before I know it the sound of the light switch being flipped goes off, but I don't move, I stay still under my covers, thinking about the kiss that never happened.

I know the saying 'lip virginity' sounds stupid, and child like, but that's the only way I could describe to someone who probably threw their first kiss away when they were romantically in love in the 2nd grade. I've never had a boyfriend, let alone any intimate connection with the opposite sex, and it's safe to say I take virginity thieves very seriously.

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