19.) Freak

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"Throw me the damn ball!" I ignored the devil, a.k.a Jaxon. Dribbling the basketball in my hand I spotted Reggie, he was tall as hell but he was somehow being blocked by a 5'5 looking boy.

I sighed remembering he isn't at all good at basketball, even though he's somehow on the team.

That leaves me with only one decision. I throw the ball from the three point line. Both teams heads followed the ball as it flew through the air, before everything went silent. It felt like forever while the ball circled endlessly around the rim.

"Cmon, C'mon." I mumbled under my breath, impatiently waiting for the fallout and to my surprise-to everyone's surprise it fell in.

I stood still, watching my team holler with excitement. I looked over to see Reggie making his way towards me. He laughed, holding out his arms for me to jump in and I did.

"That's my girl!" He cheered, throwing me up onto his shoulders. I ripped his cowboy hat off of his head and placed it on mine, while I waved at both teams like I was a princess and they were my peasants.

Reggie waved with me, bowing in the process. We laughed hysterically, mostly because we were high and in our own little world.

"Alright, alright that's enough." Coach Sherman yelled from across the gym.

"You do realize this is p.e, not an award winning championship right?" Jaxon bumped into my shoulder heading in the direction of the boys locker room.

I scoffed, pushing him in the back. "Jerk. You're just mad I didn't pass you the ball."

"I'm mad?" He laughed sarcastically, turning around to face me.

"Trust me, I don't need a pot head passing me anything."

"Enough! Do you want detention Scott?" Coach Sherman threatened, but I think we all knew that would never happen.

With that Jaxon disappeared the sea of bodies headed to the locker rooms.



I rolled my eyes.


I groaned this time.


I whipped around in my chair to face Ryder.

"What the hell do you want?" I whisper shouted at him.

"From Riley." He whispered, placing a note in-between my fingers.

"What is this?" I asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Just open it you idiot." He groaned, shoving the paper deeper into my hand.

"Mr.Prez and Ms.Lewis, passing notes I presume?" Ms.T rudely interrupted our friendly banter.

I slowly turned my head to the front of the classroom, holding a wide smile on my face.

"Of course not teach." I smiled sarcastically at her.

She returned my fake smile, putting her dry eraser marker down on her desk. I sighed, immediately knowing where this was going.

"Well then, I hope you don't mind reading it to the class." She smiled, taking a seat in her spinny chair.

"Of course not." I smiled, standing up from my seat. I started to unfold the note. I took a glance at Ryder who had his nose in his hands, pinching the bridge of it in annoyance.

Whatever this note said was definitely going to embarrass him. I took a glance at Riley sitting next to him who was staring at the the back of Ryders head with a scowl rested on her face. I only let myself take a peak at Jaxon for a split second, but of course he was already looking at me.

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