6. That should be me

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"It's not saying anything Riley! Disco balls can't talk!"I try to pull her away from the disco ball on the ceiling, but she swears up and down that it's singing to her.

"What the fuck is going on? I've been looking fucking everywhere for you!" Ryder gripped Riley's chin and moved it in circles, carefully examining for any tampering. "Riley needs help Ryder! She thinks the disco ball is singing to her." I warn him.

"What disco ball?" A voice booms from beside me. And much to my surprise it's a curly headed white boy.

"The one up there duh." I pointed up at the bright, big disco ball hanging from the ceiling. It's so pretty!

"Tell me you aren't talking about the chandelier." Jaxon muttered, and gripped my forearm when he noticed I started tipping over.

"Careful." He groaned, pulling me into him. Ooo I like it here.

"You sing so lovely!" I had to cover my ears at the shouting coming from Riley. She is still going on about that freaking disco ball!

"Okay, we need to get you out of here." Ryder groaned, picking Riley up bridal style.

"But I don't want to leave! The party just started!" I growl, pulling my phone from my back pocket I had forty missed calls from Riley. Damn!! How come I only felt the buzzing twice? It's not like I would've answered it anyways. Erasing that from my mind I caught a glance of the time. 3:00am. Oh my god! My parents are going to freaking kill me.

"Either come with us or get left." Ryder growled at me, making my heart clench a little. Why's he always have to be so mean?

"Fine," I mumble, before stomping my feet and following suit.

"Wait, if she wants to stay I'll chaperone her until she decides she wants to leave and then I'll drive her home after." Jaxon suggests, shyly rubbing the back of his head. He's so cute!

"Yay! Get home safe RyRy'!" I shout, before turning to face Jaxon. His cheeks were a bright red, and a funny grin danced on his lips.

"Dance with me pretty boy."

1 hour and 15 minutes later

"Jasmine please let me take you home." Jaxon glared down at me, but I glared back to put up a fight. I'm still not ready to go.

"Dance with me!" I holler, continuing to shake my booty up and down. He chuckled, using his big hands to grip either side of my hips to stop me from moving.

"Everybody left...and what are you dancing to? I turned the music off twenty minutes ago."

"The party isn't over until I say it's over, chump!" I buck up at him to maybe intimidate him a little, but he didn't budge. In fact, he used his amazing skills to throw me up and over his shoulder.

"I'm taking you home." He grunted at the new weight of me on his shoulder.

"Put me down you big beast!" I made a fist, banging my fist on his booty.

"Stop that before I drop you on your head." He threatened, and before I knew it we were outside and what he would've dropped me on was his cold, hard concrete patio. In some twisted up way I kind of like it up here, but I like the view even more.

"Don't be gay!" He whined, sliding me into the passenger door to his car, he walked around and slid into the drivers seat. So I said that out loud?

"Put your seatbelt on." He demanded, buckling his and flipping on the radio.

"Ooo I love this song! That should be me holding your hand! That should be making me you laugh! That should be me this is so sad!" I belched at the top of my lungs.

Jaxon gripped his chest, laughing. Boy do I already love that sound.

"For the love of God stop doing whatever that is- he motioned towards my mouth "and put your damn seatbelt on." God damn it's like he's never drove anyone anywhere without there seatbelt on. Aw that means he cares about me!!

"I'll put my seat belt on iiifff yoouu- I dragged on, tapping my chin as if I had to think about what i was going to say next, but I didn't.

"Kiss me," I turned to look at him, and I wish I didn't see his smile falter, but it was soon replaced with a fat smirk.

"You want me to kiss you?" He quirked an eyebrow, and leaned forward to get a better view of my face. I wanted nothing more than to swipe that smug smirk off of his face. He probably has girls throw themselves at him all of the time.

"Y-yes." I know I did, but I don't want to be like every other girl who gets a ride home from Jaxon Scott after the party. I don't want to be like every other girl. Eh, but to hell with it I'll take a little kiss.

"Close your eyes." He ordered, and I obeyed slowly closing my eyes. When I felt a rough finger grip my chin it got harder for me to keep my eyes closed.

They fluttered a little when I felt his breath on my lips. I didn't notice I was holding in a breath until I heard a *click* from beside me and a chuckle from Jaxon. He buckled my seatbelt!

"Now let's go." He blurted. I opened my eyes to see Jaxons cheeks puffed up and his lips smooshed together. He's holding in a laugh.

Oh my God this couldn't be more embarrassing!! "C-can you turn the radio back up?" I stuttered out of pure embarrassment. He turned the dial all the way up and blasted Justin Bieber - 'Baby.' All the way home.

I've dreamt of a million ways my first high school party would go. Embarrassing myself in front of the guy I like and willing ready to partake in the most ungodly act with a guy from a living room ottoman were not apart of my dreams. Though I needed this night. This one night, where my soul could be completely, unbound, and worry free. 

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