7.) I don't do sweet girls

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"You're a sweet girl Jasmine, but I'm sorry. I don't do sweet girls." I pretended like I couldn't hear the crack of my own heart. 

"What do you mean by sweet girl? Are you just saying this because I am a virgin?" I ask him, unbuckling my seatbelt to turn and look him square in the eyes. He coughed, but he didn't stop. He coughed and coughed until finally he cleared his throat. He stopped to look back at me with a confused glint in his eyes. Did he not know? I thought everybody knew? In fact that was one of the main reasons I was bullied for by the WOTS.

"No. Not at all, I just don't think people like you and I mix, and if I am beinvg completely honest I don't think you will even remember this in the morning." He pointed out. And he's not wrong, there is a fifty percent chance I will remember anything in the morning. Though I can't decide if that's a good thing or a bad thing yet. I wonder how much more I can embarrass myself before I black out.

We were now parked outside of my house...sort of. I had to tell Jaxon to park down the street so I could configure a plan to get into my house undetected. My plan consisted of climbing the side of the house, while being careful not to fall and drop into the thorn bush below, then when i finally hit the top I will lower myself down the chimney and into the fireplace, where I will carefully break the glass, sweep it up, and then I will tip toe down the stairs and into my cave all while going completely unnoticed.

I thought it was a great plan, but I can't forget the sideways look that Jaxon gave me when I told him my great and devious plan. He went on and suggested that I don't go through with my plan. In fact, he told me to throw the whole plan out of the window and to instead, use my key to go through the front door and then down the stairs to my room like how stupid does that sound? I just know I'll get caught if I go through the front door, it's right next to the kitchen and what if someone is getting a late night snack? You have to think that kind of stuff through, and unlike him I did.

"Thank you for the unwanted ride," I two finger saluted him before attempting to find the handle to the door. He didn't say a word as he reached across me, flicking the door open. What a gentleman, always looking out for women.

I took a step out of the car, and the cool summer breeze brushed my face instantly, I love summer in Missouri mainly because it feels the absolute best when the sun goes down. "Woah, woah, woah." I saw the driver door open before I fell face first into the grass. Could this night get any more embarrassing? Why won't the floor stop moving?

"What am I going to do with you?" I could hear him mutter under his breath. In all honesty I have never felt so good in my life. So care free and happy. "Fuck." He muttered again, turning me around, he gripped underneath my leg and held my back as he jolted me off of the ground and in his arms bridal style.

He walked around to his side of the driver's door, kicking it shut before beginning the journey down the street. "Which house is yours?" He asked. My eyes are staring to feel heavy, and my limbs are limp.

"Over yonder." I sighed, pointing in a random direction. "I passed it?" Jaxon stopped in his tracks, squinting his eyes as he looked behind him. This boy took me to my house the other day, but now he doesn't remember which one it is? This just proves that he goes to so many girls houses that he just can't remember any of them...or maybe it's just mine.

"Thataway peasant!" I hollered, pointing behind him again. He sighed and began walking in the direction of his car. How sweet of him to carry me like this. He must think I'm the sexiest girl in the wooorldd. Jaxon chuckled, when I was suddenly fell on something cold. He put me on the hood of his car! "Can't keep eyes open. Help me..." I reenacted a death scene. "Don't let me go Jax..." I tried to quote Titanic.

"I'll never let go Rose." I almost didn't hear the hush whisper that escaped Jaxons mouth. And just that brought a big ole smile to my lips. "Hello?" I looked up to see he was on the phone. "Can you hand the phone to Riley? It's kind of an emergency." He sighed, glancing at me.

"Hey urm, I'm on Jasmines street but I can't figure out which house is hers- ok- yes she's fine- thank you-bye." He hung up, appointing his gaze back to me. "Can you walk?" I moved my legs up and down and in circles, before resting back on the cold hood with a nod.

"Alright." He gripped my forearm, placing my arm around his shoulders and hoisted me up off of the car. My house was a total of 6 houses down and I knew that. Sue me for wanting to spend a few extra minutes with him. "Okay, this is your call. How do you want to do this?" We were now standing outside of my house when I came up with the most intelligent plan.

"Take me to the back door."

They say drunken words are sober thoughts. Does that mean sober words are drunken thoughts? Who am I kidding? I'm drunk.

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