8.) Back door

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"The back door?! We waited ten minutes down the street for you to have a back door?!" By the tone of his whisper shouting I could tell he was fuming. In my defense I have never even been drunk before. This not having control over my mind is pretty new to me.

"Yes, now tally ho!" I whisper shouted back while pointing a wavering finger. He rolled his eyes, this time gripping my waist and leading me around the house, I would've fainted if I didn't feel one hundred percent confident right now. "There!" I shouted, pointing at the glass door. "I saw the door!" He whisper yelled walking me to the door.

"Thanks for the help Jax, I'll be seeeeing ya." I sang the last part. He snorted, shaking his head in response."It's Jaxon to you." He snorted, dropping his hands from my waist. After everything we've been through he still treats me like a peasant.

My eyes bulged from there sockets when I noticed I couldn't carry my own weight. "Woah, woah, woah." He held me up so I didn't fall. "Jaxon I have a mission for you. Take me to my bedroom or be terminated!" My eyes widened when his hand clasped over my mouth. "Are you trying to wake your parents up?!" I didn't realize I was screaming.

"You know what? I've got a little something to say to them actually!" I mumbled under his hand. "Mom you're an insecure bitch!" I yelled, finding the might to finally stand up to her. "And dad!" The string of curse words I let out were muffled by a very large hand once again. And no matter how many times I bit and licked, he wouldn't let go. He opened the door with one hand while his other was still clasped over my mouth.

"Tell me where to go." He whispered in my ear. No way this dude just welcomed himself into my house! He's going to see my baby pictures decorated along the walls! Oh my god he's going to see how many stuffed animals I have! He's going to see what a slob I am. Maybe if I drop dead he will leave, not wanting to take the fall for my death.

So I go completely limp. "Shit." He groaned, picking up both of my ankles and dragging me across the living room carpet. "Ow! Carpet burn!" I grabbed my elbow. In one move I was lifted off of the floor and being carried in the direction of my bedroom. "Before we get there I just want to say that a person is not there room. I cannot be defined by anything you might see okay?" I beam up at him, and he rolls his eyes as if he couldn't be bothered by my silly talk.

I sucked in a breath when I knew he was kicking open my bedroom door. I inwardly cheered, seeing my light was off for once, so he wouldn't see any of my childish decorations. He didn't say a word as he walked me to my bed and gently placed me down.

"4:50, well I've got to say Jasmine this is a new record for you." The light flickered on, when I heard my moms voice in the corner of my room. This lady is on some Dexter shit! "God is that you?"

"Ma'am, I'm so sorry for- "save it. So you're my daughters new fling that's been distracting her? Causing all of this bad behavior?" She shot at him. My eyes widened at her statement. Don't blame my hubby mom! It was all me! It was all me! I wanted to confess. I weakly sat up to see Jaxons eyes wide, with his jaw clenched.

"Mark get down here!" My mom yelled for my father.

"Is that really super necessary? He's got a long busy - "shut up Jasmine." She interrupted me. I quickly shut my mouth, not wanting feel the burns she was giving me with her glare. But my heart swelled for Jax, he didn't do anything wrong...except for break my heart, rip it out of my chest, and stomp on it - no run it over and then pick it up again and stab, stab, stab-

"what's going on?" My dad entered my room.

"Mom thinks-

"Jasmine I said shut up!" I think my tv screen almost cracked at the pressure of her scream. I wanted to cover my ears at the sound. Jaxon flinched at the sound also, looking down I saw his fists clenched at his sides.

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