11.) Prospect Avenue

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"Is that it?" Ryder asked.

Jax nodded, hopping into the back seat. I gave one last look at the mansion that was Jaxons home, before sliding in the seat beside him. He stared out of the window without a glance in my direction. I knew he was still upset so I decided not to bug him. 

Instead I gripped his hand in mine in the space between us. He flinched, whipping his head back to look at me. But when he did his eyes softened, before turning to look out of the window again. 

"Hey, Riles. How's the hangover?" I giggled at her, knowing hers must've been worse than mine. 

"Do you still hear disco balls singing?" Jaxon chimed in. 

Riley blushed, folding her hands on top of each other. I knew she was embarrassed from the blushing alone. We never got the chance to be party animals, so when the opportunity showed itself we were indeed out of control. 

"Leave my baby alone." Ryder pouted, jumping in the drivers seat. He gave Riley a kiss on the cheek, starting up the car. The whole ride back was annoyingly quiet. Ryder didn't ask any questions, but I knew Riley would want to know what happened. The question on mind is, should I tell her? It's not really my business at the end of the day.

And Ryder probably already knows about Jaxons life at home if I was able to get just a glimpse of it in one morning. Okay it's final. Leave Riley in the dark.

We are currently on the way to Ryders humble abode. Hopefully humble.. Jaxon made the phone call to Ryder after packing the last of his luggage. Three minutes later Ryder was at the front door step, helping him carry his bags to the car. 

I don't completely understand their dynamic, but I know one thing. They both genuinely care about one another. Sort of like how Riley and I are, except for the staying at one another houses, for reasons that we both understood. My mom believed friends were a 'scholarship' distraction, and her parents probably would've beaten her if they found out she had someone stay the night. I always wanted to help Riley in the way Ryder helps Jaxon, but I just couldn't.

A few minutes later we showed up at Ryders home. Which is definitely more humble than Jaxons. Ryder sighed, parking the car in the drive way. "Alright, everyone get out." 

I finally let go of Jaxons hand, sliding out of the car. We all took a suitcase, Ryder being the manly man and taking two. Riley struggled with the one she grabbed, seeing as how that was the one packed with Jaxons electronics I elected to switch her, letting her grab his suitcase full of black t-shirts. Why he had to have an entire suitcase full of the same thing? I didn't know. 

Ryders house was incredibly nice as well. His dining room was directly in front of the door. With the living room to the right, and a pair of steps leading to the basement just a few steps down. "Uh R-ryder... we have g-guests?" A large man slurred from the living room. My eyes shot up at him, but from where I was standing I couldn't see much of him. 

Ryder whispered to Jaxon to where I could barely make out what he said. "You know where to go." Jaxon nodded, gripping his suitcase, and pulling one away from Ryders grasp. He headed down the stairs with nothing but a, "Come on."

I followed suit, looking around his basement was cozy. There was a bathroom to the left with a small shower which also happened to be a laundry room. There was a flat screen tv on the wall further down along with a leather sectional. I looked around to see black lenses everywhere. My blood froze. Cameras.

I stared at them all feeling self conscious. Memories started to flood back to me. The time my brother wasn't so perfect and my parents put cameras all over the house to watch us at all times. There was one in the corner, one under the tv stand, and one on top of the mini fridge. They weren't photography cameras, they were cameras that lit blue the second we walked into the room.

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