14.) Rude Much?

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It was now 6:00 in the afternoon, and we still hadn't done anything Ryder and Riley had planned. I sat on the floor with my legs crossed while Jaxon, Ryder, and Riley were working on my head. After taking a shower, I realized I wasn't going to be able to take it down on my own.

And after the whole ketchup fiasco, they definitely owed me.

"How much longer?" Ryder groaned, pulling a piece of my hair.

"Ouch!" I screeched slapping his arm away.

"Just be patient, we're almost done." Riley hushed him. She pulled out the last strand of weave before my cornrows were on full display.

"Fuck. There's more?" It was Jaxons turn to start whining.

"The hard part it over." Riley informed them. "All we need to do is unbraid her natural hair, and we'll be done."

"Wait, this is your natural hair?" Ryder asked, he was sitting behind me on the couch so I couldn't see his face, but I heard a small laugh coming from him, along with a string of coughs.

I wanted to wiggle like a worm and die. The one time someone other than Riley sees my natural hair, they make fun of it. "I wouldn't be laughing." Riley nudged him.

"You haven't seen it at its full potential yet." She smiled, starting to unbraid a section.

* 30 minutes later

"Woah." Jaxon stood in front of me with awe in his eyes. "It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!" He embodied me in a bear hug, pushing my back into Ryders legs.

I laughed uncontrollably, rapping my arms around him in return.

"Okay, I will admit you have a little something going on." Ryder reluctantly gave me a sad excuse  for a compliment.

I scoffed. "A little?" I turned to arch an eyebrow at him. "Boy please.. I got a lot going on!"

I ran my fingers through my afro for him to see. My hair was a dark black, it normally looks tight and oily, but my curls loosened up from being in cornrows for so long, so my hair appeared much longer, and much fluffier, but they wouldn't know anything about that.

"Now can we go?" Riley whined, pulling at Ryders hoodie. I looked down to see Jaxon getting comfortable in between my legs. His head leaned against my stomach, with his back on the floor. A part of me wanted to squirm away, but a part of me also enjoyed it.

"No, now it's your turn. I wanna see your hair!" Ryder laughed, tugging at Rileys wig. My eyes bulged, watching him man handle her. Luckily she had it secured, because her hair didn't come off from all of his tugging.

"You can't do that babe! That hurts!" Riley pouted, with tears forming in her eyes. She slapped his arm, walking out of the living room.

Ryder followed her, holding his arms out in surrender. "C'mon baby. I was just joking!"

I giggled, pulling my hair past my shoulders to see how much it's grown. I smiled to myself, seeing it is now to the bottom of my back.

"Wow." Jaxon sighed. I looked down to see him pushing his hair back. His eyes were on full display, but I couldn't understand the emotion behind them.

"What?" I titled my my head to get a better look at him. He shifted in between my legs, pulling closer to me.

"Can I touch it?" His voice was almost a whisper.

Wait. Is he asking me? Nobody ever asks me...

"I-I yeah." I shrug, moving my head closer to him.

His fingers tapped my hair at first, before moving through them like a comb. "It's so soft."

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