13.) Traitor

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Jasmine Pov:

Back at the house was a little awkward, but not as awkward as the car ride home. Jaxon and Ryder sat up front due to Riley not wanting to be away from me. I just wanted to keep my bestfriend, I didn't want to be babied. 

"Which side of the couch do you want?" Jaxon started preparing the sectional with blankets and pillows. 

"Doesn't really matter to me." I shrugged. My mind rewinded back to what Riley had said earlier on the street. 'Look around Jasmine! None of us do!' Her words replayed in mind. She was right. All four of us- well I don't really know about Ryder. We were treated like shit by our parents leaving us searching for a safe havenn. Being Ryders home. 

Jaxon plopped down on the left part of couch, letting his legs face the tv. Whereas I was going to have to face the wall, but I didn't mind. I laid down across from him, pulling the blanket to my chin. 

"Hey Jax?" I called out in the darkness. 


"Are you mad at me?" I was scared of his answer. I was scared he was going to think I was just a big baby. 

"Why would I be mad at you?" 

"I don't know. Because I dramatically ran out of the house and refused to come back when you found me?" I recalled the night.

He chuckled softly. "No Jasmine, I'm not mad at you." Was all he said before we both fell asleep.



I shot up from my sleep, my eyes resisted to open, blurring in and out on a figure in my room. 

"Mom?" I grunted, laying my head back down on my pillow. 

"I'm not your mother sweetheart." A husky voice responds.

"God is that you? Am I dead?!" I shoot up from my bed once again, only to notice that I'm not in my bed. I'm on Ryders couch, and Ryder stood in front of me with a whistle around his neck. Riley stood to the side of him giggling in her hand. 

"What the actual frick?" I sighed. 

"That is no way to wake an Angel." I snorted, pulling the covers back over me. I had no intention of getting up anytime soon. 

"I know, I woke my Angel up with kisses." Ryder peered down at Riley, planting kisses on her nose. Gross. 

I see a pillow flying through the air only to be hurled at Ryders face, which he quickly dodged. "Nice one." Ryder smirks.

Jaxon winks back at him, slamming his head back on his pillow. I smile a little at him defending my honor, and pull the covers back over my face.

"Oh no you don't."

The covers are ripped off of me and I am left feeling bare and cold, with a proud seeming Riley towering over me.

"Ryder and I made plans for us today." She whined.

"Okay, have fun." Jaxon mumbled, from across the couch. I nodded, agreeing with him. While I shivered, snuggling deeper into my pillow.

"You're coming with us, you lazy asses." Ryder grunted from behind Riley.

"Nah. I'd rather just stay in bed." Jaxon declinded.

"Me too." I said, agreeing with him.

Seconds passed, getting oddly quiet, but I didn't open my eyes. I tried my hardest to go back to sleep, seeing as how my body was so exhausted it shouldn't be that hard.

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