40.) Breakfast Massacre

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Jasmine pov:

It was officially the next day. After a day of Jaxon scolding me i had gone to sleep with a lot on my mind, but today I had a plan to make everything better.

I slapped my alarm clock as it rang at six in the morning. Groaning as I got out of bed, just because I'm not in school doesn't mean I'm free of waking up early. I got out of bed before peeking in the bathroom mirror.

My hair was a mess. I grabbed my comb, combing through it before putting it in a bun on top of my head.

I brushed and flossed my teeth, smiling at the mirror when I finished.

I stomped my way to my suitcase. I hadn't had time to unpack them last night so I left them open next to my bed.

Who am I kidding? I was too busy procrastinating and worrying that Jaxon might never trust me again!

I kneeled, pulling out a maid costume I had worn last Halloween with Riley.

"This might make him smile." I muttered, before putting it on.

Mind you this was not one of the sexy maid costumes the nanny wears to seduce the husband in movies. It was a traditional black and white maid dress which style was from the 18th century, but I had loved it back then.

I walked back to the mirror, taking out my bun and putting a claw clip in its place. I pulled out my tube of mascara, stroking my lashes a few times before throwing it back in my suitcase.

I let out a breath before heading down to the kitchen.

These stairs seem always take my breath away. Quite literally.

I pushed open the door to the kitchen, turning on the chandelier for me to see.

I gasped as I opened each cabinet how many pots and pans does a person need?

I gripped the handle of what I think is a regular pot. Placing it on the stove.

I pulled out more and more, placing them all on the stove.

And now we begin!


It was now 9'oclock, and the kitchen was a mess. There was egg yolk and flour on the countertops and floors, and I wasn't entirely sure but I think it was all over me too.

I froze as I heard the kitchen door swing open.

"What the hell are you wearing?" I stayed still at the sound of Jaxons deep voice behind me.

I slowly turned around with the spatula still in my hand. Smiling awkwardly I tried my best to hide the food on the stove with my body.

"Oh me?" I asked, pointing at myself.

"You're the only one here, Jasmine." I dropped the spatula on the counter, before ripping off the chefs hat I had found in the cupboard.

"I was trying to cook." I sighed.

I was disappointed in myself. I really thought I could do it this time!

My head shot up at Jaxons laughter. He threw his head back, bending over in his chair as he belched.

"Gosh." He smiled, before brushing away a fake tear.

"Why are you laughing?" I almost yelled.

"I thought we had been over this," he smirked. "You can only cook macaroni and popcorn. What made you think you could all of a sudden cook breakfast?"

"Well for your information, I am actually an amazing chef. And- I paused- I was hiding my talent from you along, because WA-LA." I smiled, throwing my hands up to put my food on display.

I tried not to let my smile falter as I saw the burnt tops of the pancakes, and the over cooked sunny side up eggs.

I glanced back at Jaxon who looked like he was fighting another laugh.

"Do you want to eat or not?" I asked, slamming my hands on the island.

"Of course I want to eat, but eat that?" He chuckled. "I don't know if that's even edible."

"I rest assure you that it is." I said, picking up a pancake. My eyes twitched as it made a sound of a Dorito chip while in my mouth.

I forced myself to close my mouth around the bite. Chewing and humming to myself, as if to tell him it was 'Magically Delicious.'

"Yeah, I'm not buying that for a second." He grimaced, before strolling to the other side of the cabinet.

He grabbed a box of Froot Loops off of the counter before heading in the direction of the fridge.

He sat there for a second, just staring into it.

"What's up?" I asked opening the fridge wider.

I followed his gaze to the milk that sat on the top shelf.

"Oh, do you need that?" I grinned.

He glanced up at me, an eyebrow arched, as if he wanted to know what I was thinking.

"I might just get that for you if you admit that I'm a good cook." I crossed my arms.

"You want me to lie?"

"Fine, no breakfast." I mumbled, closing the refrigerator.

"Fine," he sighed. "Youreagoodcook."

"I'm sorry I didn't catch that."

He scowled at me in return before speaking up. "You. Are. A. Good. Cook." He dramatically took a breath, as if it was the hardest thing for him to do.

"I'm glad we're on the same page." I smiled, before grabbing the milk and placing it in his lap.

He turned, strolling over to the table.

I sighed as I looked at the mess I now had to clean up.

"You're not going to help me?"

I turned toward him, before arching an eyebrow in question.

"Do you need help?" I asked.

"No." He mumbled.

"Then no." I smiled, turning toward the stove. 

He shook his head at me, but for a second I swear I saw the faintest smile playing on his lips. though it was gone just as quickly as it appeared. 

I wiped my hands on my apron, before washing my hands in the sink. I think it's safe to say breakfast was a fail, but I can always redeem myself for lunch... I hope.

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