38.) Jack Son

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"Five months, as if that makes everything better? Five months will be the end of the school year Jasmine." Her face was stern unmoving from her decision.

"Mom," I sighed. "I really want to do this for him and I know he's not your most favorite person in the world, but he didn't do any of the things you thought he did." I sat down on the wooden chair in the kitchen.

"He's a good person, and I know he would do the same for me."

"Look, I know you want to take care if this boy, but your'e only a child. Did you ever think about the affects this would have on you?" I inwardly rolled my eyes at her.

What does it matter? I would be able to help someone I love, get paid for it and still graduate high school.

"Yes. And it's going to be hard. But the money is decent and he's my frieend." I drawled.

"I still don't think it's a smart decision." She sighed, sitting in the chair across from me.

"I could have just up and packed my bags, but I'm sitting here telling you about it because we're trying to fix things aren't we?"

Her shoulders slouched like she was accepting defeat, but I have made up my mind about the whole thing already. I just needed her to say yes.

"In the past you've been controlling. Not just of my emotions, but the things I do too.."

"I just want to make this decision, and if it's the wrong one you can say I told you so."

She raised her chin, looking into my eyes. She sighed, pushing herself from the table and walking to the sink. She gripped both sides of it tightly, before taking another sigh. She was fighting a battle with herself.

"If this is something you think you can handle.. take it." She muttered.

I jumped up from the table in shock. "Are you serious?"

She turned around with a small grin on her face. "You should start packing now if you're going to make it there tomorrow."

"Aw thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I ran up and hugged her, before running down the stairs and into my room.

I literally had to pack everything to prepare for five months away. I looked around my room. My tapestries? No. My spelling bee awards? Hell no. My stuffed animals? I'll start with those!


At the sound of birds chirping I wiped the drool from my lips. I raised my head from my suitcase, looking out of the window.

Shit! I fell asleep! It was now morning, and I'm supposed to be at Jaxons for his parents departure to God knows where.

I rushed, shoving the last of my things into my suitcase. My parents were already at work, but I needed a ride.

After packing up my bags I rushed to my cell phone to call Riley.



"Riley, guess what?"

"This is Riley. Need me? Leave a message at the beep."


"Oh um, hey. Just call me whenever I guess."

I shrugged, dialing another number of a voice I desperately wanted to hear.


"Hey Reg-

"Leave a massage at the-


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