21.) For Everything

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Ryder POV:

"You wouldn't let me drink and I needed a little pick me up!" 

"You mixed alcohol with fentanyl! You were already planning to drink!" 

"Okay, but I never got the chance. Obviously!"

"I'm going to fucking kill you!" The goth boy shoved the freshman to the ground, before climbing on top of him. 

"Not the face! Please not the face!" 

"Enough!" Everyone turned their heads to face a fuming Jaxon. His nostrils were flaring up and down like a rhino blowing off steam.

"Your friend is laying here unconscious and you two are fighting? Grow up!" Jaxon huffed. He kneeled, grazing Jasmines forehead with the back of his hand. 

"She's burning up. We have to get her to a hospital." He stated. 

He held out his hands as if gesturing for me to hand her over. I raised an eyebrow at him, 'are you sure?' He nodded, taking her from my grasp.

"No." The goth boy stood from on top of the freshman. 

"If you take her to the hospital she goes down. Do you think she would want that?" He wiped his nose on his arm before gazing at Jaxon with a clenched jaw. 

"Don't you think she would want to live?" Riley screamed at him, with pure hatred in her eyes. We have only officially met Jasmines new friends today, and already nobody was fond of them. Are they really willing to let her die?

"I think we all know why you don't want to take her to the hospital. To save your own asses." I brushed passed the goth kid, nodding my head in Jaxons direction. That was all he needed to make his way towards the door with Jasmine.

"The more time we waist, the less likely she is to make it, and you better bet your balls she does." I gave one last glance at the boys before following Riley out of the kitchen door. 

If you would've asked me if I cared about Jasmine one hour ago I would have said 'fuck no, I only tolerate her because my girlfriend is best friends with her.' I guess it just takes a situation like this to reveal someones true emotions. I do care about her, more than I thought I did, and if anything happens to her those boys won't just be getting a visit from Jaxon. 

Jaxon's POV:

Why won't my leg stop fucking shaking? 

Why won't she wake up? 

It's been three days since Jasmines been in the hospital. The doctors drained all of the drugs out of her system, but she hasn't gotten any better. The doctors say she's in a 'temporary coma,' but what the fuck am I supposed to do? Go home and act like none of this happened? Act like my ex wasn't drugged at my party?

I knew I should've said no when the team asked me to throw a party to celebrate the end of our football season. I've never liked throwing parties. I never liked feeling like my home was being invaded, or feeling obligated to socialize with people that I didn't even know very well, or that didn't even know me.

Fuck. Why didn't I just say no? None of this would've happened!

"How are you doing buddy?" I glanced up from the hospital floors, unable to stop my knee from shaking as I squinted at Ryder and Riley. 

Ryder looked like he always did. His blonde hair in a mess on his head, with his varsity jacket on and a frown etched on his face. Meanwhile Riley looked like a total train wreck. Her hair was pulled in a tight poof ball on her head, while she looked like she hadn't had any sleep in decades. She was wearing a pair of baggy sweatpants that looked like Ryders and a wrinkly t-shirt. 

If this was hitting anyone hard, it was her. She sniffled, clearly holding back tears, before heading through the door to see Jasmine. 

"I-she-this is my fault, isn't it?" I gazed up at Ryder, trying my best to swallow the lump in my throat, but it was so thick. So full of tears and guilt. All I have to blame is myself. I'm the reason for everything. 

Ryder cleared his throat, placing a firm hand on my shoulder. "This isn't your fault."

My shoulders fell, causing me to meet the floors gaze once again. 

"Wha-what if she doesn't wake up? What if she stays like this forever? I'll never get to tell her. She'll have left thinking- my voice broke off from the tears. My body shook, not letting them out was the toughest feeling. All I wanted right now was to cry and whale at the top of my lungs. To feel guilty, and wallow in my own self pity. 

"You will get the chance to tell her. Jasmine is a lot of things, but weak isn't one of them." He moved his hand from my shoulder to my hand, giving it a tight squeeze before standing, and heading in the room after Riley. 

Maybe he's right. Maybe she will wake up, and when she does I will tell her everything. 

"Where is she? Where is my daughter?" I looked up at the sound of a woman screaming. 

My mouth fell open at the sight of Jasmines parents standing at the receptionist desk in the lobby. Now they show up? After their daughter has been asleep for three days? 

I stare while the receptionist has them fill out a paper, before their heads suddenly turn to me. 

Her mother speeds in my direction, while her father falls close behind. Be cool. Be cool.

"Of course it's you! I knew better than to let my daughter see you. A bad influence, that's what I called you. And I was right." She sneered at me, before gripping the handle to the room and letting herself in. 

I looked up from the floor to see Jasmines dad still towering over me. 

"You did this to her didn't you?" His voice was deep, but I didn't miss the huskiness in it that hinted that he was crying. 

My eyes flickered around the room before reconnecting with his. They were watery and glazed over, only making matters worse for me. How am I going to tell the father of my ex girlfriend that I am the reason she's in a coma?

I cleared my throat in my fist before answering. "Yes." 

I wanted to reach for my heart, and hold it with the amount of pain I felt with my words. I did this. 

"AAH!" Her father screamed in anger, and I didn't blame him. I couldn't. 

My head smacked to the side at the feeling of a punch hitting me directly in the eye. 

"Shit." I grunted, holding both hands up to my eye in pain. I leaned over in my chair slurring a string of curse words. 

Doctors were now at either side of him, but he wasn't paying them any mind. 

"You listen here boy. You stay the fuck away from my daughter here on out! If I find out you even breathed the same air as her, I will find you and kill you, you sick son of a bitch!" I couldn't help, but flinch at his words. You sick son of a bitch. 

I'm a monster. 

I will never forgive myself if Jasmine doesn't recover. 

I didn't realize Ryder and Riley by my side until I felt a grip on my wrist from a small hand. 

"Let me see it." I pulled my hand away from my eye, causing a hiss to come from Ryder.

"That bad huh?" 

"Can someone get him some ice?" Riley asked the group of nurses holding back Jasmines father, before glancing at Ryder.

"I got this, you go." He kissed her forehead, before Riley disappeared into the room again.

Jasmine, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything.

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