10.) Completely Intoxicated

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"Jaxon Alexander Scott!" My eyes shot open, my heart raced fast from the piercing scream coming from outside my door. I sat up leaning my head against the headboard of the bed, taking a second to catch my breath. Why today of all days did people want to give me a heart attack?

I just woke up for Gods sake. Though the screaming didn't stop there. I heard it traveling throughout the first floor. So I decided to drag my tired behind out of the sweet sweet satin silk sheets. Remind me why I'm going to investigate? I could just lay here all day and-

"OH MY GOD!" On second thought... let me see what's going on. I swung the door open with frustration. Screaming is no way to wake up an Angel. Running down the stairs I saw a few suitcases seated by the door. Strange.

I continued to head to the kitchen though the door was blocked by something...or somebody. It was a swinging door that you could push from both sides so there's no way it could be locked.

I knocked. "Hello is anybody in here?" I asked, holding my ear up to the door. "What? Who the hell is that?" A woman asked through the door. My eyes widened when I realized I didn't know that voice. Maybe I can make a run for it still. Nobody needs to know I was ever here. But before my legs could move fast enough, the door swings open.

"And you are?" The first thing I see are his dark earth blue eyes. Then his gray hair. It was slicked back with gel it seemed like. He was a little on the dad bod side, but still handsome non the less. This must be Jax's father.

"H-hi sir. My names Jasmine. I'm a friend of Jaxon." I overly smiled, showing both rows of my teeth, while stiffly waving my hand at him. "Of course you are." He grunted, opening the door further for me to enter.

I walked onto the black and white tile, when my eyes met Jaxons. His eyes hung low, with freshly new bags underneath. He was wearing an oversized grey Nike hoodie, and his hair was going from North to East. He looked completely exhausted. I stepped forward awkwardly, when I saw who was sitting next to him at the island.

His delightful sister. I never caught her name... "Vee, you should have known better." There it is. "You're our scholar child." My eyes glanced to the women in front of the fridge. Her jet black hair was curled past her shoulders, but I couldn't help but stare at her. Her nose... It had a slight bend to it, that reminded me of the character from The Wizards of Oz. The wicked witch of the west. I stifled a laugh in my fist, still staring at her.

"I'm sorry... is something funny?" The woman turned to look at me, with her eyes that soared into me like knives. "N-no ma'am. I'm sorry." I looked to the tile floor, at a sad attempt to fight with the smile dancing on my lips. It's not funny! It's not funny, Jasmine. You can't laugh at anybodies looks! How would you feel? I fought with myself in my head. Finally wiping the smile off of my face, I looked up from the floor to be met with a smirk from Jaxon.

What is that about? I looked back to the floor. Why did all of the attention have to come to me? Without any liquid courage in my system anymore I merely had enough confidence to be in the same area as him without fidgeting.

"Mom! This girl just barged in here last night and now she won't leave.. it's creepy.. and she's wearing my clothes. Look!" Jaxon's sister pointed a finger at me. I looked up to see the ugliest looking sneer on her face. Well I look better in it... No I don't. You know what? Yes I do. Fuck her.

"Shut up. I gave them to her!" Jaxon yelled over her exaggerated screams. I stood still, uncomfortably. I tried as hard as I could to resist playing with my ear, but somehow my hand found it's way up there. I looked back to the women who was now squinting her eyes at me.

"Jaxon, tell your friend she needs to leave." They lady sneered, bringing a glass to her lips. It was filled with something brown, too light to be root-beer. Wait.. is that scotch? At this time of day?

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