36.) Wedding Crasher

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"Jasmine there's mail for you!" My mom yelled from the living room. 

I raced up the stairs, snatching the mail from her hand. I've been waiting for my new phone to arrive for days now! I tore it open without looking at the sender, before seeing the black girly font pop out from the envelope. "Come Join our Celebration!" 

I instantly dropped the sheet in my hands, ignoring my moms questioning stare. They are still getting married? Even after-

Of course they are still getting married, if it is just a business deal like Jaxon said, then there would be nothing to stop them.

"What is it Jas?" I dropped the envelope, letting it drop before I grabbed a coat from the kitchen chair and rushed to the front door. The lord couldn't explain what emotions were swirling through me right now, let alone me try to explain them. 

I hopped in my moms car, taking the key from her jacket and putting it in the ignition. I backed out, riding away, not being able to ignore the worried look she threw at me from the patio steps. 

She is still the conniving mother who only wants to see her own happiness bloom and blossom, but after the whole fentanyl incident and... Mikey she loosened up on me a lot!

I guess she just needed to be scared to lose me to start becoming a mother. 

I parked my car in Ryders driveway before knocking frantically on the door. 

Ryder popped his head out, before releasing a sigh and stepping onto the patio. He closed the front door behind him, before crossing his arms in front of him. 

"Riley's at work."

"They're getting married!" I yelled, throwing my coat on the ground, and rushing down the patio steps. 

"Why are they still getting married? I mean legs aren't a bad reason to throw off a marriage... but Ryder you should've seen him at the hospital. I could still see it! He still loves me..

I trailed off. The winter wind was cold on my skin, but I didn't care. 

Ryder stared me down as he took each slow step down the stairs. 

"Why do I always get dragged in to your drama?"

"Ryder please don't do that. I really need someone to talk to about this." I begged him. 

His blonde hair was blowing from left to right while his eyes were chasing mine, probably to see if there was any sanity left in them. Newsflash. There isn't. 


"No, no, no I don't want to hear from Ryder. I want to hear from your inner Riley."

"My what?" He asked, flabbergasted. 

"Your inner Riley!" I rushed. "Cause boys always like to tell you facts, and girls tell you what you want to hear."

"Okaay." He drawled, before clearing his throat with a little grin still visible. 

"Girl he loves you and you're really the girl he wants to marry you should march on in that wedding chapel on his wedding day and totally object for his right to be married to that bull faced pig." He grinned, snapping his fingers like a girl. 

Oh my God! My eyes widened at his words. That's exactly what I need to do. 

"Wait, I didn't just give you an idea, did I?"

"That's what I'm gonna do!" I smiled, giggling a little to myself. This is perfect!


"Ryder, please." I signaled him to stop talking with my hand. 

"Jasmine, you couldn't even get in let alone stop the entire wedding. It was a joke." 

"That's why I have an invitation.." I drawled, hoping he would catch on.

"Wait. He- they invited you?" 

"Yeah, why wouldn't they?" 

"Well, maybe because you're his ex. Wouldn't that be weird for you?"

I shrugged, averting my eyes to the snowy concrete. 

"Jasmine." I glanced up at the sound of my name. Riley was coming out of a car, and up the driveway.

"Riley!" I hollered, meeting her halfway. 

"I have the perfect idea." I talked, while made her way up the driveway

"So Ryder gave me the perfect idea, and long story short him and I are going to object the wedding!" I rambled.

"Him and I?" I ignored Ryders scowl as Riley went to stand next to him, pulling at her scarf from around her neck she stared at me confused. 

"Look. Jaxons getting married and I- my voice broke off from tears attempting to escape. I swallowed.

"Jasmine." Riley's hand reached out to lay on my shoulder as she eyed me with pity. 

"This isn't just about Jaxon and Ari getting married is it?"

I stared at her confused, turning to look at Jaxon who immediately averted his graze to the ground.

"You lost someone close to you, and instead of dealing with that you've created this obsession with Jaxon." 

My face fell as I stared at her with confusion. 

"No, I mean yes I lost someone I love, but this isn't about him-

"Yes Jasmine, it is." 

I took a step back from her, I could see Ryder squirming beside her uncomfortable.

"Yes I lost a friend Riley, and I loved him so fucking much, but I'm going to lose someone else I love If I don't do something!" I yelled.

She tucked her hands in her pockets, the pity expression still not leaving her face. "You don't have to lose him Jas. Just talk to him, as a friend." Her voice sounded as soft as a whisper.

"Have you went to visit him since the incident?"

I stayed silent, focusing my eyes on anything else. As if that would pave my escape from this scolding conversation. 

"All I'm saying is, Jaxon doesn't need a girlfriend right now let alone a wife. What he needs is a friend." 

I gazed back up at her, before turning away. "Whatever." I muttered. 

 She was supposed to be the delusion behind the reasoning. I hopped in my car, starting it before pulling out of Ryders driveway. 

I ignored their waves goodbye, before driving away. 

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