Chapter 25- Feeling Sick

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I flopped down on my bed and sighed, I was exhausted!

Logan walked into the room too.

"Hey um, you okay?" He asked. I nodded my head and looked at the ceiling.

I got up and picked out pajamas, a plain pink shirt and fuzzy socks with sweatpants. I walked to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I stripped and banged on the door.

"What do you want?!" He yelled.

"I am taking a bath okay?!" I asked him.

"Okay." I don't think he cared, honestly but I wanted him to not walk in on me, the door didn't have a lock. I looked at the window, and decided to close that dark purple blinds.

I got out a strawberry scented bath bomb, and boy I loved those things! This one, was a light pink and when it basically exploded, it let out some sparkles of all sizes. I set the bath bomb on the counter and turned on the faucet on the shower thing.

I set out a fresh, warm, white towel for after I get out and it would be like heaven!

The water was finally high enough and so I picked up the bath bomb and set it in the warm bath. The water immediately turned a pretty shade of pink and sparkles went everywhere in the water!

I got in and sank into the warm bath water and relaxed.


I got out about, twenty minutes later, feeling relaxed.

My fingers and toes were strange and lumpy, how they always are for people after they are in water too long. They were like prune hands and toes...

I dried myself off and put on my clothing. I brushed my knotty hair out, or at least managed to get a brush at least partly through it. I hate how in the movies, after a shower or going into a pool, they perfectly brush their hair out, it just annoys me so much.

I opened the door and walked downstairs. I saw Josh and Skylar all cuddled up and and I groaned, I want that with Logan!

I went to the pantry and did I mention I had a migraine? Well I did, so I got out three purple, grape tasting pills to help me. I slowly closed the lid to the medicine and popped a pill into my mouth.

I chewed on it a little, but I mostly liked to suck on it, because when you chew it, it gets really spicy and it's pretty hard to try and ignore spicy medicine...

I walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a cup and filled it with water. I knocked it with another cup nearby. Cheers to being threatened by my ex best friend, almost being killed, having a gun pointed to my head, and sobbing my eyes out.

I rubbed my eyes and walked towards the living room. My mistake today: walking fast with fuzzy socks on.

It happened in slow motion, tripping, falling and dropping the cup that shattered to the ground.

I fell to the hard floor and rolled to my back. All that hurt was my back. And my head. The world began to spin around me and it became dizzy, and I saw little tiny colored dots.

For some people when they are about to vomit, they feel sick. For me, I see the colored dots and become very dizzy.

I lifted myself up and limped to the sink were I proceeded to grow up. From behind, I felt hands pull back stray strands of hair that was mixed with moisture. I hate vomiting, the feeling, the smell, everything.

After vomiting my lungs up and my breakfast,lunch and dinner, I leaned back against the island. I could finally see clearly now, the shattered glass that Josh was cleaning up and Skylars figure next to me. I slid down and suddenly felt weak. I felt sideways and felt the cold hard floor, come in contact with my cheeks. It didn't hurt.

Logan suddenly appeared and took my into his arms. At that moment, I didn't even care if Dan picked me up.

He carried me and put me onto the couch. I rolled over and turned away. I started coughing and I felt horrible.

"Can you take me to my bed?" I asked, with one eye open, and the other, so tired and closed. I felt bad for the mess I made, but, what could I have done to prevent it?

I felt strong arms lift me bridal style and carry me a long distance to the bedroom. I was dropped on the bed and what Logan didn't know was that I was already asleep and snoring.


I woke up to Logan shaking me awake.

"We're going to the mall, and since you're sick, we thought you wouldn't want to go...." he said

"Yeah I don't but, have fun!" I said and turned over waiting for him to leave.

"Yeah, well don't answer the door, don't answer the phone and don't leave the house, okay?" he said and I nodded my head yes.


I woke up later, to a noise, like someone knocking on the door. I immediately jumped up and carefully, and making no noise, walked downstairs.

I walked over to the blinds and opened them so that I could see who was there, but they couldn't see me.

The knocking turned into banging and I began to worry as it increased.

As I was biting my lip, someone punched the wall.

I watched as the hand, through the red door, grabbed nearest. then I realized,someone was trying to break in!

I ran upstairs and jumped into the closet in the hallway. I had my phone with me, so I grabbed it and dialed Logan's number. as I was doing so, the front door banged open.

The small phone rang and rang. Pick up Logan pick up the damn phone!

I hid the phone because of the racket it was making.

"Hello?" Logan asked. I froze as footsteps came up the stairs.

"Logan! Someone broke in! I am in the hallway closet right now and they are getting closer!" I whispered furiously into the phone.

Then the phone started glitching, and I couldn't make out what he was saying. I hung up and right as I was about to dial 911, someone gripped the doornob and I froze.

The door nob slowly opened. and let the light in.

"Mommy's home." the woman said smiling. the woman wasn't any ordinary woman, this blonde haired woman was Valerie Pechulis who gave birth to me.



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