Chapter 35- The Special Day

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"H-how do you know this?" I asked my voice cracking at every possible point.

"I know everything." she said stepping forward and twisting her hair. She no longer was smirking and she had her lips in a straight line. "Not like I wanted to though." she said taking another step closer as a stepped back too.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. I didn't want her little mind games, I wanted her to get to the point.

"You know what I mean." she said softly.

"No I really don't, please explain." I said defensively. I was pinching my at arm, hoping this was a nasty dream.

"Dan, h-he's my uncle. He told the whole family to watch out for a girl who had moved here. And when I saw you in school, you matched this small discription. I was too afraid to tell Dan, because let's face it, my whole family is afraid of him. When he told me about you, he got tears in his eyes and he said how much he missed you and loved you for so long! I-" she started but I couldn't take it.

"Stop lying and tell me how you really know. Don't play your stupid little mind games with me dumbass." I rudely replied.

"Listen to me, he gave me a message to tell you, 'watch out for me because I will make an appearance at a place where you won't want me.' that's all he said" she said looking at the ground.

"I don't believe you." and with that, I walked off leaving her in the cold dark alley.

The church bells rang, and the birds sang. This was the day. I was already in my wedding dress, and Skylar was beside me, in the same wedding dress. Mia is currently in the bathroom throwing up.

I fluffed my dress one more time, before standing up and went to the bathroom to check on Mia. She was certainly nervous, but very happy. She said before that she had a bad dream, about someone interrupting the wedding.

Skylar followed me as we walked into the bathroom and Mia was washing her hands. She was very pale, but other than that, she looked pretty in her identical wedding dress. She smiled weakly when her eyes met our eyes in the mirror.

We all walked out together after Mia washed her mouth out, and dried her hands. we were ready.
"Do you, Mia Carpenter, take Jake Hudson as you husband?" The preacher asked. I was dapping my eyes with a moist tissue.

"Yes! Yes I do!" She said excitedly.

"You may kiss the bride." the preacher said. They kissed and I smiled, eyes filled with tears. It was my turn.

"And do you, Sydney Moore take Logan Smith as your husband?" The preacher asked.

"Yes I d-" I started but was interrupted by commotion in the back. Everyone gasped as the last person I expected to be here, shot a bullet up in the air. Still holding the gun up, he walked down the isles. Dan.

Everyone say up close to their loved ones, and some screamed. I let go of Logan and put my arms at my side.

"And what's this? My daughter getting married without me? And who, my dear, walked down the isle? Your fake friends or fake parents?" he asked smirking.

He was finally less than a couple feet away. He walked up the red velvet carpet, and held his hand under my chin.

"Please don't do this." I whispered, too shocked or surprised to move. I looked into his shinny eyes and a grin formed its way on his face.

He suddenly changed positions, grabbed my chest and holding the gun to my head.

"If anyone moves, she dies." he growled. The church was so quiet, everyone heard anyway. I noticed there were armed men walking up and down the isles, holding rifles. They were muscular and made sure no one was dialing nine one one.

"Don't you dare!" Logan said, his teeth clenched.

"How about, don't you dare? You cheat on her with her own best friend! And you've already killed her parents, and threatened Valerie to go. Now that's not real love is it?" Dan said calmly.

"You take that back! I would never cheat on her! or kill anyone special to her!" Logan yelled.

"Take what back? the truth? God! You don't even know Logan's real name!" Dan said.

I gasped and held in tears. No wonder Logan and my friends took so long to rescue me. Logan hooked up with Skylar. I looked over at Josh and he was shocked. I couldn't see Skylar.

"What friends." Dan snorted, loosening his grip around me.

"Let her go!" Logan said before running up to me. He tried to undo Dans grip, but even the loosened grin was steel. I heard a gun shot. Logan fell to the ground, blood on his chest already. I struggled out of Dans grip but it was no use to escape. Dan grabbed me, and picked me up, taking me to a white van.

"Let's go let's go!" Dan shouted to the comrades. I looked out the dull window at my friends, on the ground helping Logan.

My best friend betrayed me, but there she was, making sure my fiancé was okay.

And that's not okay. the car sped up and I let out a sob.


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