Chapter 22- The Unlucky Tire Swing

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I decided I should get up and go wash my face, it was probably a mess.

I poured the make up removing lotion on my hands and looked up one more time before I saw a face in the small window behind me.

I screamed and jumped away. I blinked and the black ski-masked boy was gone. I could only see his face.

That's when it hit me, Dan had people who worked for him. I needed to go outside and find the boy.

I ran out passing, the boys and Skylar in the hallway. they were calling my name, but I needed to find the guy.

I pulled the front door open and didn't bother to check if it was closed, that didn't matter right now.

I spotted a black car within a small distance down the street. I started running after it but the guy jumped to the passenger side and the car quickly speeded off. I stopped and froze. they were after me.

I kept staring at the speeding Mercedes and fell to my knees. Why did Dan want me so bad? Or maybe that was Dan!

What if he saw me leave and go to Logan's house?! What if.... what if... what if.... the question kept coming at me like a dodgeball tournament. Thing is, I'm the only one playing and getting hit.

I heard heaven footsteps behind me and didn't bother to look back to know it was my friends.

Skylar jumped in front of me first.

"Who was that? What happened? We heard you scream and then this happened! Who did you see?" Then, everyone started talking at once.

"What do they want from you?"

"Do you know them?"

I couldn't take it, I was being chased around by my father's comrades, and now my friends were hassling me about who that was. I curled up my fists and clenched my teeth. I didn't want to say anything bad, and it wasn't their fault, honestly.

"Don't you think I am trying to figure that out?! And how exactly would I know who that is?! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled at them. I took too much today, finding out whom my real dad is, finding out I am adopted, and this.

I stalked back to the house leaving my poor friends dumbfounded. The sun was beginning to set and fit beautifully with the shady trees surrounding each large apartment. I really need to be alone and think.

I walked through the house and to the backyard. Behind the house there were woods. I neared them and saw a trail. I decided to take the trail and be alone. before I washed my face I slipped on an oversized tee, so i wasn't just in a bathing suit.

I stepped along the shaky path and towards a small opening. I had to brush leaves and small sticks and branches out of my face.

I saw something awesome too! A tire swing! Perfect for a little thinking... and swinging!

I sat on it and pushed myself with my bare toes. It was muddy underneath the swing, but who's gonna care?! Not me!

I was in the middle of thinking when I heard a twig snap. I snapped to my seances immediately and looked behind me.

"W-who's there?!" I stammered as I jumped off the swing and saw no one. at least I saw no one.

Muffled hands grabbed my mouth from behind. Not this again!

I struggled, but it was no use. the monster behind me snapped on some handcuffs and replaced their hand with duct tape. it muffled my screams, a blindfold was placed over my head and the duct tape was ripped off. I tried kicking and punching but it was no use. whoever this was had a very strong grip. the person placed a paper towel over my mouth. but it was wet?.... Some of the wet substance got into my mouth and I gagged. I began feeling drowsy, the world fading around me...


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