Chapter 37- Never Underestimate a Woman

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Instead of leaning back, or hiding, I faced Tyler. I know what you're thinking, why? Well, I wanted him to know who's boss!

He leaned in to kick me but, I punched him in the stomach. Like Skylar always said, "Never Underestimate A Woman" I found that very accurate right now.

I payed attention to Tyler, who had his friends near his side. I clenched my fists and put a blank look on my face like a "You really don't want to mess with me now" kind of face. It was kinda funny; They backed up scared.

"Hey Sydney, the dinner needs to be made and after that, the dishes and clothes will need to be washed, get to work! I'm hungry!" Dan interrupted us.

I sighed and followed dan into a small cottage-like kitchen with an old fashioned oven and fridge.

"So what should I make for dinner? And where is the food?" I asked him putting my hands on my hips.

"I don't know! How would I know?" He asked as if the answer was waving a sign in my face with the the answer so clearly. He rolled his eyes.

"Hmmm, definitely not because this is your house! How the hell am I supposed to make something when I don't even know where anything is? What am I? Your maid? I'm your daughter!" I yelled at him. He just walked off leaving me alone with nothing.

I stepped into the weird pantry that smelled bad, and grabbed a box of pasta. I never really liked sauce on my pizza, but they probably would like anything they could get their hands on.

I gathered all of my ingredients, and they included: pasta, tomato sauce, Parmesan cheese, or shredded cheese just in case they didn't like parmesan for some reason, refrigerated meatballs, olive oil, water, and more.

"Here it is!" I set the plates in front of the boys who eyed the plates hungrily.

"What's this," Tyler asked staring down into the food. "it looks nasty!"

"It's damn pasta!" I yelled at him.

"Well I'm not eating this! You clean this up and give me something good!" He remarked rolling his eyes.

"Give you something good? GIVE YOU SOMETHING GOOD? YOUVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! ID LIKE TO SEE YOU BE CAPTURED FROM YOUR WEDDING AND THEM HAVING TO COOK AND CLEAN FOR THEM TOO! NOT ONLY THAT, BUT I HAVE TO GO BY RULES!" I shouted at him. He looked shocked but, snarled and slapped me across the face. I fell to the floor from the powerful slap.

The other guys laughed, including Dan.
I let my legs go wild, kicking whatever was in front of me or on the side. I heard a couple groans, and then a horrible pain came to the side of my head. I opened my eyes and sweat was all around my hair. I felt dizzy and blacked out. The world faded from around me and I let it drown me into its deep, dark waters.

I woke up and looked around, my head didn't hurt any longer, and I sat up.

The first thing I noticed was screaming from downstairs. I didn't really care about my head. I listened to the conversation.


"Well I am not anymore!" I paused as I heard a sickening sound and someone screaming.

I was back to realization when footsteps came up the steps. I got off the bed and ran to the closet. Before I got there, someone opened the door and I froze.

"Hey sweetie! Your awake." Tyler said and he was holding a large butcher knife, that already had fresh red blood on it.

"Please, please don't! I already have a whole life ahead of me!" I said backing up against the wall and he stepped up to me.

"With me right?" He said feeling the blade of the knife. "No, never with you!" I yelled and he positioned the knife in front of my chin.

He seemed off, and calm as he lifted the knife up to my chin. I started to shake and I realized I couldn't move. Tyler was using on of his muscular hands to hold my hands above me. I was stuck.

Tyler traced circles with the knife on my stomach and I held my breath. the tip of the knife dug a little into my lower chest.

All of a sudden, he stabbed me. He let go of my hands and I fell to the ground. I felt my stomach where he stabbed me, and looked, there was a familiar dark red liquid on my hands. the world got darker until I knew, I couldn't open my eyes so I left them closed.

~End of Dream~


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