Chapter 7- Rosalie

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I ran to the passengers side of the woman's car.

"What happened?" She asked worriedly.
Light wrinkles on her forehead rose when she said that.

"Please just take me to the police station," I said quickly as I buckled myself. "I'll explain later."

I looked back through the back windshield to see if any of the boys were coming in their cars, or by foot. But I glanced ever so quickly so that the woman didn't start asking a more questions.

"My name is Rosalie, by the way." the woman said. She had long blonde hair and brown eyes and was wearing a light blue shirt and dark blue jeans.

She looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back too. But, it was kind of a forced smile. I mean after all, I was kidnapped. But would it really be known as was kidnapped? Or am I still kidnapped?

A couple silent minutes later, we arrived. Rosalie unbuckled her seatbelt and opened her car door swiftly. I did the same.

We walked in together along the safe sidewalk and realized that I was almost running. I slowed down as Rosalie held the door for me and I nodded my head and smiled.

The police office was surrounded by cops all around. They were talking with cups of coffee in their hands, or doing their own thing, and others were on phones and taking down notes at crowded desks on the right side of the front desk, where sunshine peeked through from ripped window shades that had obviously been there a while.
I ran up to the front desk and there sat a plumb, wide-eyed cop staring at me.

He abruptly stood up and turned around.

"SYDNEY MOORE IS HERE!" He shouted at his fellow employees. Nearly every single person in the room stopped what they were doing and looked over at me or cheered.

Suddenly everyone froze and the cheering quickly died down. I then realized that everyone was looking behind me. I slowly turned around and saw Rosalie holding a gun to my head. I froze too.

"Nobody move or I will shoot her!" Rosalie threatened. I can't believe she was doing this! I trusted her, but I guess I trust people too easily now a days...

Anyway, Rosalie firmly grabbed my shoulder and pulled me aside, putting herself in danger.

"Rose, don't do this!" One cop shouted. They must know her?

"Why are you doing this?..." Another cop trailed off with a puzzled expression.

"Rose, are you crazy?" A cop who looked like a woman shouted.

Everyone started to talk at once, to each other and Rosalie.

This cannot be happening again? Am I dreaming? Rosalie turned to me, still pointing the gun at the cops.

"Make a noise or try to run, and I will kill you, slowly and painfully." Rosalie quietly whispered in my ear so that I only I could hear her shocking threat.

She then started walking backwards as everyone else seemed to be distracted, calling security and pulling out various weapons. Rosalie quickly and swiftly pulled me out the doubled doors and  led me to her car with the gun still pressed to my scalp. Then, started the car and sped off. I could faintly hear sirens.

"W-why are you doing this?" I stuttered to Rosalie.

"Well, my close friend Jake just the other day, told me about a girl he had recently kidnapped and gave me a description of the girl. When I saw you run out of the woods, I didn't think too much at first until, I realized the description exactly matched you! I didn't realize that fact until I walked you into the station. Of course, I remembered that I owe Jake one after him helping me with something else. So, here I am." she said. She gave a creepy smile as if she was trying to be sweet, then it twisted into a full out scowl.

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