Chapter 23- Alina?!

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I woke up in my bed, in Logan's room?! How?! I was basically kidnapped last night!

I turned over and saw Logan's worried face next to me. "You are awake!" He said gladly. Now what actually happened?!

"What happened? I thought..." I trailed off.

"Well, we heard you scream when we got back, so we followed your scream and found you asleep with one of dans comrades. We took care of him and found you." he explained.

"The craziest things always happen to me!" I said. and it was true.

"Anyway, breakfast is ready and we thought, to get your mind off stuff, we should go hiking!" Logan told me.

"Um sure I guess.." I said. I hated hiking but, I didn't want to ruin it for everyone!

"When are we going? I mean I have to get changed and put on makeup..." I asked him.

"Probably in a couple hours, when everyone is ready." he answered and walked out.

I was gonna get some food too, I mean I was starving! In reply my stomach growled loudly and I chuckled. On point!

I went to my dresser and pulled my drawer open that contained tank tops. I pulled out one that I wore when I was kidnapped by Logan and the boys.

It was bright pink with white glittering letters that read, 'I don't sweat, I sparkle'. I also picked out short, white Jean shorts and gray Vans.

I also went into the bathroom and applied mascara and some light lipstick.

I grabbed a bag too, that is a pain the ass when you try to get the damn thing open or closed. But whatever.

It was mint and it was just plain, so I gathered what I'd need, a reusable water bottle, some light snacks, my phone, and some money. I also grabbed a bathing suit and extra change of clothes. lastly, I threw in some flip flops just in case...

I threw the bag over my shoulders and headed downstairs.

"I've been working on some new pickup lines, wanna hear them?" Logan said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever.." I said smiling.

"Kiss me if I'm wrong but dinosaurs still exist right?" Logan said.

"No way!" I giggled.

"Awe you two like each other!" Jake said wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

"Fuck off! Maybe when your talking to someone, anyone, I'll say that!" I scowled at him. I still didn't like him and I doubt I'd ever.

"By the way, where's Emily? Did you guys break up or something?" I asked.

"Yeah, turns out she's been cheating on me and got pregnant." he said grinning.

I heard someone laugh out loud and turned to Skylar. For some reason, she always hated Emily. Yeah, she can be a slut sometimes, but she isn't that bad...

"So are we going yet?" I asked sticking out my hip and crossing my arms. I was definitely inpatient...

"Yeah sure, but don't cha wanna have breakfast? Your probably starving! You are like nothing last night." Logan asked me and I shrugged.

"We can stop on the way to hiking at like a drug store and I can get some things there." I said.

"Ok." he said and walked out of the door. I went after him.

"Where are you going?" I asked following him. "I'm really bored." I said.

"Your mom is bored." he said with a smirk. What the hell is up with boys and then saying "your mom"?!

"Shut up." I said "seriously were are you going?"

"Why do you wanna know? Got somewhere to go?" He said.

"No, I'm just curious." I said, whatever he was doing, he was making it ridicules.

"Well, duh, I'm going to start the car!" He said as if it was obvious the whole time.

"Whatever." I said. I decided to walk back into the house and just chill ax. "wait, when are we leaving?" I turned back but he was getting in the car!

"Hey! Where the hell are you going?!" I yelled pounding on the glass.

The window on his side slid down and he replied, "Chill woman, I'm getting food!" And he pulled out and drove away.

I decided to go for a walk then, and did I mention exactly how much I fucking love summer?!

I took the sidewalk and admired the humid weather. I also had my bag, so if there was an emergency, i could just call someone.

I was a little down the street when I came up apon someone I thought I would never see ever again.

"I thought I'd find you here! Well, guess what?! I found out that your parents are looking for you! You wouldn't want me to spoil where you are now would you?" She took a moment and paused while I glared at her and she batted her eyelashes. This girl was Alina, who might as well be a shark with big lips, fake extensions, and brown eyes!

"Well anyway, you better stay away form that boy toy of yours! I could get them involved with the police so fast, you couldn't blink and they'd be there! Logan is mine so you better stay away from him! Count this a warning okay sweetie?!" She hissed.

"How about get your ass out of my business like you do with everyone! And stalk much?! How exactly would you know where I would be?!" I hissed back.

"My best friend told me, and your just a fake so stay away from him!!" She said.

"Wait a second YOU have friends? And wait I'm fake, I'm surprised no one has mistaken you for barbie, you know plastic and no personality! Why don't you go put your inch thick full of makeup face in some else's business?! Cause you sure don't know me like you think you do!" I yelled at her.

"This is a warning, you don't get your ass out of his room by tomorrow night, you'll be very sorry. Very very very sorry! And I'm very sure you wouldn't want me to steal Skylars boy toy too!" She hissed.

"Oh, no, the only thing you can do, is fuck off right now! Logan will never believe you for anything!" I yelled at her.

"Oh well, I know some things, and I can definitely get around to telling him, but you wouldn't want him to know any SECRETS about you would you?!" And with that she left me hanging by a thread like a lifeless rag doll, eyes frozen in the same position, and body parts stitched together.



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