Chapter 18- Back up!

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We could fit through the the window but, how? We'd have to be magical.

That's when Jake decided to be a dumbass and knock down the window with a hammer, that was about an inch away from my face...

But I forgot they had this place locked up pretty good so, when Jake knocked down the window, the alarm went off and we all panicked. We had to take Laura with us, or else she'd be killed, and I couldn't live with myself if that happened! Logan grabbed my arms and pulled me out when I noticed there was a girl with them, not Skylar.

The girl had a curious look on her face as Logan pulled me out. She had blonde hair and she flipped it. she was pretty but, already, I didnt like her.

Her eyes widened as she saw Laura. They climbed to each other and hugged like there was no tomorrow.

"Awe" I cooed.

"Yeah that's Emily and that girl hugging her is her sister. But wait, how'd she get in the room?....." Jake said.

"She lived with me in there, and Laura is her name. she is nice and we met just a little while ago." I said proudly. It was actually nice knowing someone you wouldn't have ever met any other way.

Emily walked up and kissed Logan on the cheek. Oh no she didn't!

"Excuse me?" I asked with my arms crossed tapping her shoulder.

"Awe, don't be mad, if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't know how to do this." Logan said. he stepped closer and my heart was beating fast. He wrapped his hands around my waist and kissed me passionately.

We quickly pulled apart when we heard a mans voice say, "HEY YOU TWO, GET BACK IN HERE!" The man was no ordinary man, it was Dan.

We all looked at each other and Logan spoke up first...

"Don't even try, this time I called for backup" he said with a smirk stepping back. Called for back up? This time? Has it happened before? Who was the backup? At that very moment, I heard sirens in the distance, and it wasn't any ordinary sirens, they were Police sirens! A loud sound scared me and I looked up.

A HELICOPTER? In the distance, I saw police cars! A ton! The guards began to shoot while a voice above us began talking.


That's when I regretted him saying that. Dan grabbed the nearest person and pulled a gun out, looking up he also put the gun to the persons head.

"SKYLAR! NO!" I tried to run up but Logan was stopping me, "You cant, he will kill you both!" He said concerned.

Skylar started sobbing under Dans arms.

Something unbelievable happened then, he dropped Skylar and began climbing down the tree. he dropped down a little, and jumped on our transportation, a motorcycle and car. He chose the motorcycle. we watched as he drove off

Finally he directed something to me, "DONT WORRY SYDNEY, ILL GET YOU AGAIN SOMEDAY!" He shouted back. we watched until we could no longer see him. He would get me another day, I was sure of it. But when he gets me again, he won't know what to expect from me.

I Sydney Moore, declare to never let him come back, whether I can stop it or not.

A year ran down my cheek, I needed a disguise, maybe dying my hair, yes! That's what I'll do! I would never be able to be safe with Dan alive and free.

Who was Dan? No one would fight that much for money! I felt there was more than I was hearing. luckily as I looked down, and ahead, I noticed people from the military and S.W.A.T. Guys loading out of large tanks and trucks. it was chaos!

What would our futures be like? I had an eery feeling that something bad would happen, maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow, But I know dan will probably find us and make sure no one will live to remember this.


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