Baby Monster !

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Author's pov.
"You really want me to make you wear this , Then Undress" Tae said . And you crawled back he crawls towards you then "Y-ou p-ervert move back" you shouted on his face and he smirked , "Wait lemme help you-" he said and slightly pulls your dress's hem a little bit low from your shoulder.
"You monster remove your dirty hands from me" you yanked his hand . And he was enjoying it . "Let me feel you princess" he said again touching you , you pushed him but he kept giggling and touches your cheeks , nose shoulder. He leaned closer to your face and licked his lips in slow motion showing you his desires.

But then suddenly a cat jumped between you and Taehyung jumped back like a frog 🐸 . And the cat in your laps , you noticed her and picked her in your arms slowly ruffling her fur.
"Meowwwww... meowwwww" it meows and snuggles into you . You played with her . "Awww... You're so cute...say meow...again do you wanna eat something ?" you talked to it in a cute voice. And someone there was just staring you with a weird expressions on his face. He slides towards you looking at the cat rubbing her head on your breast.

Taehyung's pov.
Is she mad or something like who talks to a cat , and seems like the cat was also having fun untill when my eyes fell on it rubbing and snuggling on Y/n's chest Isn't it taking to much privileged ? Won't it be me the one to touch her ...

I literally was having fun in Teasing and annoying Y/n but this little cat.
I was annoyed and our princess was fiddling her fingers with that stupid dirty , messy cat who just spoiled my fun ....
"Princess did she replied shall we orflrer the maids to prepare dishes for her" I asked in a mocking tone . "Yes sure an-" she realised and looked upwards on my face . And i just passed her a big forced smile....
"Done with those shits princess?" I asked in a sarcastic tone to which she replies as "It isn't shit but Tae where are you gonna find food for her?" She said looking her surroundings .... Like does she really expects the Greatest King Kim Taehyung to find food for that messy cat . I tapped on her shoulders and she looked at me with a confused face "Are you expecting it truly ? Here we ourselves Don't have food to eat and you-" she cuts me off standing and palcing the cat down on the ground carefully "Haww...... My goodness the Kim Taehyung the King of Daegu and the most powerful man is saying that he is helpless and hungry" she exclaimed copying my style of walking and she expanding her hands .

"W-Who tol-d you that I'm hungry? I'm not !" I said sitting crossing my legs and folding hands looking away.
She also came and sat back on her place laughing. What does she thinks of herself ? Me THE KIM TAEHYUNG is hungry and can't do anything without her help ? I'll show her when we reach in my palace. I thought and rolled eyes on her.

But suddenly something growled which was none other then my stomach . I glanced at it and then on the lady sitting beside me giggling . I took deep breaths to make it stop but it growled again . "Seems like someone is really having bad time" she mocked on me obviously scratching her nape...
"You better be busy with your MESSY CAT" I said straight forward and she just nodded.
I got up and casually started walking to control my unwanted hunger.

Y/n's pov.
Literally he's a total baby who gets angry easily , pouts on something which he doesn't gets and have fun while teasing others ... then idk why he can't see that inner child in him.

Now he was under a tree hitting the tree with his leg mumbling something in a low voice but I heard it "I'm not hungry , I'm not hungry , I'm not hungry" he says hurting himself gradually. This boy ! I immediately and caught him by his wrist and made him sit at the same place. "How the fuck you caught my ha-" before he could shout on me I cut him off "Shut up !!!" I showed him my Angry eyes and actioned him to keep finger on his lips which he did gulping.

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