Your husband will spend his Night with the most beautiful lady

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Author's pov.
You slapped him and he felt on the ground. You moved back on the bed crawling and fixing your dress ...
It surely caused something to Taehyung. No one never dared to look into his eyes and you literally got the guts to slap him . He slowly moved his head upward whole face shaking of his own anger ...
The next thing he did was
"AHHHHHHH.....HOW DARE YOU!" He yelled and hut the lamp beside him to the wall clashing it into pieces. You got flinched... he was audible to the whole kingdom but no one dared to go against him.

Taehyung walked to you with his angry face and then landing on the bed he grabbed your hairs harshly pulling you down and then with other hand your throat "YOU BLOODY FOOL ! HOW THE HELL DID YOU GOT SO MUCH GUTS TO TOUCH KIM TAEHYUNG?!!" He shouted asked at your face . You were struggling to breathe with him over you and he made his grip tight , you tried to push him away but he was too strong . "What do you think huh ? I married you to love you , make my queen NO !!! PRINCESS Y/N NO !!! I married you to make your and Your Kingdom's each and every person's life hell" he made himself clear .

You were very confused "Wh-at el-se can y-ou do oth-er then bei-ng the livin-g he-ll to others li-fe" you said with the same fierce eyes , he left your throat and held your jaw next .

And then he gritted his teeth saying "That's what Kim Taehyung is known for ... I can Kill you right here ...right now but can I do that so soon - you'll die but after begging me for your death....
You know what I DON'T HAVE A HEART and that's make me powerful , I don't have any fear to loose anything unlike your brothers who can't do anything for there Dear SISTERS" he cursed you and pushed you back Hitting your head on the wall . He leaning on you more and more and you were almost layed on the bed.

You got startled at his words but not we'rent scared of him "It would be better to die other then being with someone like you ... But you know what I'm not gonna die until I take my and my brother's and my whole Kingdom's revenge from you" you marked your words.
He picked the knife that you threw . He stabbed the knife in the pillow. You didn't flinch and maintained the eye contact. Atleast you didn't wanted to burst infront of him ....

"I won't mind to stab it into your chest nor I would regret , for the people you're there princess but for me my slave ... You're mine , and one day I'll change your no into yes then let's see who stops me to mark you mine !" He said

He lastly glared at you and left saying
"WELCOME TO THE HELL PRINCESS" he said and left stomping his feets ...

As soon he left you couldn't do anything other then cry out your heart .
You missed everyone your brothers , family , mom and Jimin.
You wish you could go back at time .....

Y/n's pov.
Last night I couldn't sleep because of the bruises he gave me . My throat , and whole body was paining ...

I couldn't explain how worse that moster was when he left me in the chamber alone ... he locked me in there , it was ok but what I next saw made me hate him more ...

He dragged a concubine of him by her hairs to his chamber and then all I could here was shouting and crying of that lady ...
In between he growled ... he wasn't making love but using someone else to reduce his anger which was caused by me .

It was early in the morning I had nothing to do other then staring the open sky . When I heard someone's footsteps sounds I thought it was Taehyung so I was taken aback but then... I felt a tap on my back...

I turned and about to push when I saw the person's face . "Good morning Princess Y/n" It was Jungkook he greeted me with his bunny smile "Morning Prince" I replied... my face was pale because of crying last night
"Princess did you sleep well last night?" He teased me being unknown with the circumstances , I passed a fake smile and shook my head ... "I m sorry I am just joking... but why are you looking so sad?" He asked "No...N-ooo
Ac-actually I'm miss-ing my oppas" you said "It's ok Princess , I'm there for you yahh--- but not like a brother" he corrected himself I chuckled at his words "Ok princess mom wanted you to join us for breakfast so please come ... we'll wait-" you cut him off

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