I'm my Eomma's Tiger

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Author's pov.
The burning fire 🔥 in Taehyung's gaze was something beyond anyone's imagination. Yes It was Jimin . Jimin was surrounded with the guards of Taehyung . Jimin and Taehyung's eyes met once they were face-to-face , Jimin and Taehyung both had hate and pure disgust for each-other.

Tae maintained his cold face but soon it converts into a smirk , he wraps his hands around Jimin . "Come on Jimin have a seat" Taehyung gestured him , Jimin keeps staring at him but later follows him. "Eomma ! Everyone meet him he's Y/n beloved best friend and the prince of Park Kingdom" Tae said sternly , everyone bowed to Jimin meanwhile Jimin Bowed to mother queen she smiled back.

Y/n's pov.
He doesn't know about our talk right or is he playing , Isn't he angry about that ?
Tae came back and took place beside me .
Soon later my family arrived . Yoongi Oppa , Hoseok Oppa , Busan's queen (Ruby) and the useless King (Karl) , and my little sister Sara......
I was so happy to see them , we were all standing at front of the door .

Author's pov.
Busan's troop was entering the palace of KIM TAEHYUNG led by Yoongi and Hoseok at front. This was the first time you gonna meet them after ur marriage. Taehyung was standing right beside u . Your eyes glittering once ur eyes with Yoongi , he had a cold expression but you knew it won't last for long . "Yoongi and Hobi Oppa-" u were all set to hug them when someone caught ur hands none other then Tae. He smirked at u and looked back at your older  brother's burning gaze "why so eager wife? we'll meet them but let him bent his head down for the king first" Tae said , your eyes widened . "Yahhh... Yoongiahh.. bow to your highness" Karl the useless king popped but soon shut his mouth getting a glare from Yoongi. "T-aehyung w-ha-" Tae cuts u off cupping ur cheek with one hand "aww...princess I was kidding get in Brother-in-laws" Tae said , "this way hyungs" Jungkook guided them.

"Taehyung what was it-?" You wee about to confront him but stopped when u saw him kneeling down and talking to Sara "hey little angel how are u doing?" He asked pulling her cheeks "I'm not little oppa I'm big girl" Sara said , Taehyung caught his ears she giggled "my chocolates?" She asked "here u go !! Angel" he gave her from her pockets and she kissed his cheek . You smiled seeing him so nice to kids. "Unnie" Sara screams finalky noticing u she runs to u and hugs ur leg . You ruffled her hairs "I missed u cutie" u said ...
"Bring Sara safely inside and take her with Soobin while the ball is on" Taehyung ordered the maids of honors and walked passed by u .

In your room :-
"Y/niee how does he treat you?"  Your sunshine oppa asked engulfing you in his arms "oppa we are wrong about him he's not a monster and heartless , he's very kind" you explained. Suddenly someone barged into the room .
"Well now you're also under his influence?" the deep voice was of Yoongi. He had a cold face you rushed to him and hugged him.
"I missed u oppa... I'm very sorry for hurting you" Yoongi didn't reacted until he felt tears making his shirt wet. He pushed you back and made u look at him holding your chin "expected now that monster taught you to cry too?" he mocked making you chuckle, he wiped your tears with his thumbs and hugged you and placed a soft peck on your forehead. "hey don't forget me" Hoseok pouts and the other two siblings chuckled... You brothers and sister had a reunion finally.

"Oppa where is queen Ruby and Useless King Karl?" you asked "Queen Ruby (your mother) is with Mother Queen and That useless fellow must be being a puppet of someone or stealing something" Yoongi said annoyed and hobi and you went  aww on his cute angry face.

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