You're not allowed to cry

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Y/n's pov. 
I hate this feeling , i hate the way he mocks me everytime , I hate everything he does .
I left that heartless king and directly went to that forbidden room where Namjoon Oppa and Taehyung's father are .
Going more inside there was appa lying  on the bed but Oppa wasn't there . I needed to tell him that I can't do this anymore especially when Kim Taehyung himself doesn't want any of it . He's not a infant but a giant human who can handle himself and everyone.

I was about to move forward to look for oppa when I felt a hand catching my wrist. Looking back I saw Taehyung's appa's grip on me . My eyes widened , he was still unconscious before i could do anything his grip loosened and body stopped it's movement.
Does this means he's recovering?

"Finally there's a recovery in his health" I heard the known voice and turned back to him "Oppa till when he'll gain his consciousness?" I asked
"very soon if the things I'm trying works well" he replied and I nodded

"Oppa I came fo-" he cuts me off
"ik , ik very well. Y/n I won't stop u . Feel free to follow your mind" he said with a smile
I nodded and left the room bowing to him .

3 Days later :-
It has been days since u both encountered each-other , you avoided him , you hated seeing him that's what u knew . You were trying to contact your brothers but it didn't seem to be possible.
You have been keeping an eye on everything in the palace just to help your brothers but there
They didn't even reply to your messages , and u thought it was Taehyung who was doing that all which made your blood rush more .

In the palace there was quite serious environment due to these things , only it was Soobin and Jungkook who made things light atleast during the family meetings .

Currently you were making your hairs which were open engrossed in your thoughts. There weren't any maids as u denied their help . You decided to write your last letter telling him whatever information u collected.

In Busan :-
Hoseok's pov.

Here I was counting the fourteenth letter from our sister . Goshhh it's so hard for me to resist myself from looking at them . It clenched my heart .
"Hyung-" a small hand held my hands , i found my little Sara there , i picked her and placed her on my laps "You should call me oppa not hyung , little one" she nodded in agreement , she looked sad.
"did something happen to my bee ? why is she sad?" I asked her
"Eomma yelled at Sara" she said with teary eyes . I held her softly "Queen?" She nodded , it was really surprising for me . What happened to her ? Ever since Y/n's marriage she has been behaving really strange .
"don't worry Sara she must be worried about something" I said but Sara pouted sadly . I have to lighten her mood , i can't see anyone gloomy it makes me sad too .
"Well Sara yk Yoongi Hyung don't rest these days . Don't u know we should do something?" I said and she raised her head up .
"yk what to do ?" I smirked at her and she giggled evily .

We rushed to Hyung's room and obediently asked for his permission to enter . There were some generals whom he asked to leave as soon as he saw us . "What is it Hobi?" He asked coldly and Sara his behind my legs .
He was rubbing his temples . "Come out Sara , I saw u" he said without even looking at us . She obeyed .
"Come on Hyung you should rest" I said groaning. He looked at me "yes Hyung" he looked at Sara . "Both of u came to say this?" He sighed annoyingly . "You are over-working yourself when everything is going good" I said . He was about to say something but before he could say something I pushed him on the bed making him laid . "You won't listen to us right?" He closed his eyes frustrated.
Sara immediately climbed up and sat on his stomach.  Sara looks at me and we both smirked at each-other. He frowned when he knew what was coming. We attacked at him while Sara was tickling him , "yahhh Hajima!!!" Hyung yelled controlling his laugh hard. His face was red while doing that . Stubborn person I judged him and decided to help my tiny one . "HAJIMA!!" he screamed breaking into laughter . "Yay !!! Hyung lost" Sara giggled.  He was out of breath so I left him while Sara continued , soon he held her arms softly .
"Sara Aniyo" he made faces annoyed, she looked down but then .
"heyy that's not fair , now it's my turn" with that he picked her up in his arms and chuckled while making her fly in the air , Sara giggled.
It was so adorable to see Hyung happy after ages.
But now my biggest concern was Queen , I have to see what's wrong .

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