He's not Cute but Creul !

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Y/n's pov.

I opened your eyes due to the direct sunrays falling on my eyes. And then I found myself on the bed . "H-ow d-id I end up here? I was sleeping on the floor then?" I thought ... I was lying on that Giant Bed's hardboard and something on my laps was as if kept ...

with my sleepy eyes I touched it , and found it fluff more like skin ... I chose
To open my eyes and... the very next I saw Taehyung sleeping on my crossed legs keeping his head on my laps and burying his face in there . He was still asleep I got a sudden shock seeing him there ... coz he only made me sleep on the floor . Wait did this Heartless King made me sleep here ? I asked to myself...

No why would he , and also if brought me here then also he's just using me for sleeping in my embrace. I responded to myself.

"Hey you ! Monster get up-" I whispered yelled at him with my annoyed face but he didn't wake up instead he flipped and then when I looked at him I found him cute. ☺ Cute ? No No No..... Y/n he's not Cute he's cruel ! I Scolded myself for thinking like that .

But genuinely he was not looking a cruel and heartless king that time instead he was a totally baby with fluffy cheeks and mouth open .

I unknowingly was admiring him

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I unknowingly was admiring him. My hands were about to touch His cheeks but a hand caught my wrist.

Taehyung immediately opened his eyes and pierced his eye's stares in mine . "Princess mind your actions , your brothers won't like if you fall for a Heartless King aka there Enemy" he said "I-I w-was not y-ou....how did I came here?" I asked shuttering
"I DON'T KNOW" he said Smiling "Why are you lieing didn't you brought me here? DID YOU LET ANYONE TOUCH ME???" I asked he ignored you and got up and sat on the couch in a kingly manner ... you fixed your dress and got up too and then went stood straight in front on him demanding him to answer .

"Maids!!" He yelled then maids came in with some juice and fruits for him and then bowed to him and me , they passed him the juice keeping there head down . "Stop !!! Give it to Princess Y/n she will do" he said , they nodded and gave they passed it to me , he was literally getting on my head .

I took the glass and poured the juice in the glass but guess what then .
"Kai !!! Come in" he said and a guard came in "Yes , Your Highness" he asked greeting him , Taehyung smirked and said "Drink this" Tae said , without asking anything he obeyed Taehyung and after taking the drink from Mt hand he drank it ... he had no mood to drink it just wanna annoy me. "How was it ?" Taehyung asked getting up keeping his hand on Kai's shoulder "N-ice your Highness" he replied
"Hmmm ... I see but Kai it was for me nah ? And especially my princess touched the glass with her hands then how can you drink it ? You need a punishment?" Taehyung said smirking at you and Kai Gulped but the other moment. I was confused of what will he do to him .

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