My Taehyung will kill you mercilessly

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Author's pov.
After that non ending long night finally it was morning.

Jennie's room:-
Taehyung was in a deep slumber whereas the person beside him was playing with his soft hairs .
Taehyung's eyes were slowing opening when he felt a ticklish on his forehead .
He groaned and Jennie smiled widely once she saw him waking , she shifted closer keeping her head on his chest .
"Aahh" Taehyung held his head which was paining like hell . "Jennie" he says in confusion..

"Good morning Tae , I was waiting for u to wake" she says being shy. He was taken aback when he saw the next thing .

"I didn't lie though, you can't own me touch me and play with me , like u do with your other concubines"

"What aren't u huh? A killer ? A monster !? A womanizer-"

All the things you said started running in his mind making it more worse for the person infront of him .
"WHAT THE FUCK" he screamed making her flinch .

"W-Why are u shouting" she manages to ask .

Taehyung came closer to her and grabs her arm tightly with blood shot eyes.
"WHY ARE WE LIKE THIS?" Taehyung demands her to answer .
"As if you don't know" she replied
"CUT THE CRAP !!! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ME?" He growls and it was so scary to her.

"what has happened to u Taehyung ? You were never like this. I wonder are u the same who desired to spend his nights with me ? And why didn't u stop me if-" Jennie asked ,

"Jennie I was drunk last night , but you weren't . How can u?" He asked trying to control his anger .
"Taehyung is it because of someone who almost tagged you as a disgusting monster" Jennie tried to be annoyed . Taehyung's hand made a fist .
"She just called me a womanizer but you proved me one too" Taehyung yells
"I'M YOUR WIFE" she replied.
"Sleeping with your wife doesn't make u a womanizer . Did she say that to u? How dare she" she cupped his cheeks and showed her angry and concerned self .

Taehyung got up from there before Jennie could even make it upto his hand he- "Touch me again and I'll forget who you're" he warned her and the room fell silent. He dressed his half naked self and opened the door to leave but as he did that there was someone unexpected.

Your eyes met him and so did his , his aura was too cold and emotionless.
But here you were desperate to apologise to him .
"Your Highness I-" u couldn't speak coz -
"Princess Y/n , Tae she brought soup for u , I asked her too You might have an headache" you realised why you were there but when your eyes fell on Jennie , your world seemed to collapse.

She was undressed , bed sheets were messy , clothes were on the floor and Taehyung was with her . It explained everything in detail.

You gulped and your hands started shivering unknowingly. You looked down and didn't dare to look up to meet the eyes of the one standing infront of u .
Taehyung stared at you . "Y/n I-" his mouth abruptly opened to explain u things but-

"What aren't u huh? A killer ? A monster !? A womanizer-"

You looked at him only to see
Taehyung leaving from there giving you a push ...
Jennie smirked when she saw u leaving.

Taehyung was walking out with bare feets when something came down his feet , he bent and picked it up , it was a familiar ring ... And he realised it was hers . He fisted it in his palm and shook his head with a sarcastic chuckle thinking she threw it.

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