Not Again !

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Author's pov.
Early in the morning your eyes opens with the bright sun's ray falling on your eyes . Lazily rubbing your eyes
you groaned flipping your position to the other side , a hand snapped around your waist and you too pulled it enough close to you .. keeping your one leg around that person and a hand around his neck pulling him close to your chest , that person snuggled into your neck "Hmm" you hummed in statisfication but soon you felt the hot breaths and your eyes opened wide when you heard "Not again ! Tigress" You pulled back the male by his neck and looked at him blinking multiple times "B-baby Monster you!!!" You exclaimed "Yes me" he said in a cute voice sitting checking out your exposed collarbone , licking his lips ... You covered it immediately and yelled at him "PERVERT" you punched his tummy "Aahhh... My softu MIN YOONGI'S SISTER !!! I'll Ki-" before he completes you cut him off by catching him by his collar "TF YOU'RE DOING IN MY ROOM ? Weren't you supposed to be with your princess" he grabs your hip and make you sit on him still tightening grip around your waist he replied "leave !!!" You screamed but he pulled you closer to your face by your neck "How I wish I could but you were too likely interested to fuck me" you rolled your eyes but looked confused when he said that "What rubbish- wait are you a-" Tae glares , you Smirked he speaks then "shall i give you a proof for that" He roams his hands all over your back giving you goosebumps, you were very weak for him .

You closed your eyes getting his feels breathing heavily. Tae removes the hair's strands from your face , then his hands slides to your cheeks to your chin then on your lower lips he rubbed the trembling one slowly. "T-Tae" you said in a low voice , he was really very happy although he was teasing you but something gave him his reason of euphoria . He pulls you more closer to him , you rest your head on his shoulder meanwhile he sniffed the scent of yours . He's soothing hot breath touches your nape , you wiggle "why don't you accept you want me ?" He says and you open your eyes "I-i-" you moved back but stayed silent not having words , and looked down , he caresses your cheeks firmly...
"No response TIGRESS ?" He chuckled
He touches your nose with his nose
"Well then Once again Happy Birthday" you realised it's your day today and looked at him amazed that he knew ... "Thank-you"
he kisses your left cheek taking you in a hug , whispering "and btw your bosoms feels soft Mhhmmm" he teased you bite his neck . "Aahhhhhh Min Yoongi's Sister !!!" He yelled in your ears as you laughed loudly sitting on him still , he rubbed his neck hissing while you kept laughing your ass off "hahahahaaa... how did it feel haha.. Your Highness" Taehyung squints his eyes , you fell on the other side but you were next regretting it "Stop !! Stop !!" he hovered you and you were laughing more as he was tickling you having fun . "I enjoy doing this too princess" he says Smirking and tickling all over. "OMG .... Hahaa.. stop it B-baby Monster" you said flipping but he Caught you and pinned your hands above . You were regretting badly a punishment which was making you laugh , you thought to trick him and "Eomma" Taehyung jumps off you hands at back standing like an obedient. "Eomma It wasn't me , she-" as he looked around completely he knew he fell for her prank. He turned around but you were already in the washroom.


"Happy birthday Y/nahh" Mother Queen wished and hugged you , you responded to her hug too , everyone was in your room as he wanted to announce something. Everyone wished you one by one . "happy birthday Y/n hope we make many new Memories together" there comes Woosung with his dirty smirk you gave a forced smile .
"Y/N eomma" "Y/nnieee" two boys came running with something in their hands . "Soobin Jungkook slow down" Mother Queen said . They nodded "Happy Birthday Princess" they said in unison then glared at each-other. "I bought something for you" Soobin said "Me too see-" Jk walks proudly "no first see mine" Soobin shouts "Don't mess with me you Pabo I'm older than you and y-" Jk fought back everyone sighed "shut up Jungkook" Soobin yells "Soobin!!!" Aalima scolds looking at her little baby boy who's behaving old , Soobin starts crying and Jungkook smirked . "no.. Don't cry how about i see both together?" you said and there eyes light up .
"1 ... 2... 3"

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