Can't fight against a mere Beggar?

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Y/n's pov.
Taehyung lifts me up and that's when I realised what were we doing... How much close I was to him
"T-Taehyung what a-are you doing? Put me down" I said to him but he ignored me , and led me somewhere...
Soon we reached in my room and Taehyung slowly makes me stand on the ground "did I make you uncomfortable?" He asked me to which I just shooked my head in a no .
Little does he know how I used to hug him to sleep , cause he couldn't rest without warmth .. i internally scoffed and turned my back to him . "Y/n" he called me , his deep voice gave me chills . I saw too nervous to face him ...
but he held my wrist and pulled me closer to him ... the closeness was effective and my breathe was heavy . I felt him near my left side of the neck .
"Calm down your breaths Y/n , it isn't like I'm being this close to you for the first time" he more like whispered , I pushed my neck to the other side .

"Or shall I say ? Is it effecting you because it has been a few days you have been close to me?" His words made me confused. Before I could realise his hands were gripping my both hands and he was holding them back . "Huh?" I asked
"why didn't you tell me?" He asked "w-what?" You asked "don't play around Y/n ! Why couldn't you tell me that what you did for me?!! why did you kept quiet when everyone was taking your credit , you were fighting with me while the time but why didn't you tell me the truth?" He asked and it was the thing I was most scared to answer...
"B-ecause I didn't want you to think I'm w-weak" Taehyung heard it and scoffed ...
"Such a bad excuse Kim Y/n" he says
You tried jerking his hand but he held your hand and encircled it around his neck picking u up in bridal style he again led you somewhere

You kept quiet but as soon as you felt the softness of the bed you closed your eyes too , Tae gently let's you down as your hands were wrapped around his neck he was close to your face, his hands slowly leaves your waist , you missed the warmth .
Soon u didn't felt anything so opened your eyes and saw him going , you held his wrist , he turned back and stares at you . "I see Min Yoongi's sister you're getting attached to me hmm?" He scoffed and you left his hand turning your face to the other side .

Soon you felt hot breaths touching your neck his nose touched your cheek and he was seen to be kneeling down , your chest was raising up and down . He rubbed his nose on your cheek and caressed your hairs
"Trust me you'll be destroyed... shouldn't u hate me ? Are you forgetting what I did to your family ... I won't give up on my revenge even if how much time it takes but I must tell u that your Hyungs will feel so bad if they know that a monster is making your heart beat" you heard him and each of every word sliced your heart into pieces , whatever he told was true
But reality did hit you afterall that was the reason you both were binded in this bond . You nodded "feelings for you huh! Never , don't be delusional BABY MONSTER , if I'm being good to you" you said , "hmm we'll see that" he scoffed and left from there .

A few moments later:-
"Jennie!!!" Her husband barged into her room suddenly, Jennie was busy in smoking while the maids were massaging her . The maids fell on their knees as soon as they saw the king .
"Get out" Jennie said to the maids , and when all left she happily approached Tae . "Taehyung-sii finally you got the time to spend with me?" She asked and hugged him but Taehyung deatched her by holding her arms
"I'm not here to spend time with you Princess Jennie" he gritted his teeth while his eyes were holding pure anger
"W-What happened? Ouchh it hurts" Taehyung had his grip very tight on her arms . He jerked her hands away.
"Jennie you know me from childhood and you even know how much I hate lies then why ? WHY THE HELL DID YOU LIE ME ABOUT Y/N that day? WHY?" He yelled at her and started breaking of things in her room . Jennie gulped seeing him this much furious on her for the first time . "Y-Your highness stop... Ik that Y/n must have told you create misunderstanding , that bitch-" she was speaking rubbish
Taehyung shouts and raised his hands to hit her But somehow eventually he stops realising what he was about to do . Her tears started to fall , he closed his eyes in frustration
"it's the first time You raised your hands on me because of her?" Jennie yelled, Taehyung had a cold expression
YOU WERE NEVER LIKE THIS !!! I don't want to loose you" She sobbed shouting and hugged him crying on his chest . Taehyung didn't say and stood still . Taehyung slides her away leaving the room .

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